The Beginning

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Leilani POV

My name is Leilani Lokison. My story is short for now. I lived on Asgard for two years and then my dad brought me to earth so we could be closer together. Time is a lot different on Asgard then it is on earth so everyone thinks i'm five but I could be older. No one really know not even my dad. My dad and Uncle Thor try to be around as much as possible. I live with the Avengers and Tony and Nat take care of me ...

"Leilani!!" I look up and see Nat walking toward me. I run away from and try to hide again. I hear Tony and Nat talking somewhere. "Have you seen Leilani?" I hear Nat ask Tony. "No why? Where is she?". I hear Nat sigh "We were in the kitchen and I was making her lunch and I handed her a cup and I guess she wasn't paying attention or something and she lost control of her powers for a minute and broke the cup. I think they're getting stronger." Tony makes this weird noise as his response. There's a silence and then Tony breaks it "Ok, we need to find her first and then we need to locate Loki and have him try to figure out what's going on". Nat agrees and then they split up.

Tony eventually finds me and picks up up "What are you doing in there?" "Nothing". Tony brings me to the living room and plops me on the couch. He sits across from me and Nat comes in and sits next to him. "Lei, we need to talk about what happened earlier." Nat starts. I shake my head. "Kid, we know you have powers" Tony finishes. "I didn't mean to break the cup" I say softly and tears falls down my face. Tony and Nat exchange looks and Nat sits next to me. "Lei, it's not about the cup. I don't care about the cup, Tony can buy a new cup. Honey its ok". She holds me in her arms "We're both just glad you didn't hurt yourself or anyone". Tony nods in agreement.

Tony turns on the TV. "Why don't you watch something while Nat and I go do a few things". I nod and Nat and Tony leave.

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