I swear I don't know

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Natasha POV

After about an hour of me shoving things into a duffle bag, F.R.I.D.A.Y announces that Tony need me at the balcony. I sigh and get up and walk to the elevator and push a button. The door opens a minute later and I walk down the hall to get to the balcony. I walk onto the balcony and see Tony on one side trying to pour himself a drink and on the other side, Loki  is just standing there. 

"Nat" Tony says as soon as he sees me. Both of them walk toward me. Loki is wearing one of his black suits and I don't know why.  "Where is Leilani" Loki asks. "She's downstairs but we wanted to you first "Tony says. Loki looks confused. "There have been a few incidents with Leilani's powers." I explain. "What kind of incidents" Loki says. Tony sighs " We know Leilani has powers but she can't control it and we all don't want anything bad to happen. Do you know how to help her or anything about her powers?" 

Loki stares at us for a minute then speaks "No". "How do you not know any of those?" Tony rolls his eyes "Loki tell us" "I don't know" is Loki's response. "Loki..." I look at him with a warning look on my face. "I swear I don't know. I don't know much about her powers". I stare at him "How?" Loki sighs "I know that she does have powers. I have it and it's powerful but I barely know anything about hers." "So we don't know what she can do?" Loki shrugs 'The most I can do is try to help her learn about them and how to control them but that's about it " I nod to what he say's. "Where is she anyway" Loki asks.

"She's downstairs. I can take you to her". Loki nods as Tony mumbles something about packing or something like that. We both walk to the elevator and I push a button to go downstairs. The elevator goes down. "How bad is it really". I look at Loki and sigh. "I don't know but it's getting stronger. She broke a cup today but it didn't just break into a couple pieces, she shattered it." He nods and the elevator doors open. We walk into the main area and Leilani is there still in front of the TV.

"Leilani" Loki says softly. She turns her head and sees him. It''s been a couple months since they had last seen each other. Loki walks over to her and picks her up in his arm. "I'll be getting ready for my mission tomorrow if you need me. Leilani also knows where to find me"I tell Loki and he nods. I walk back to my room and continue shoving things in a duffle.

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