Hydra's Mark

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Natasha POV

I open the door and see Leilani cuffed to the chair. Next to her is a guy with a branding iron and another guys trying to stick needle into her arm. The third guy see me and comes charging at me. Out of the corner of my eye is see Tony walk toward the third guy with his suit on and Steve and Wanda go to the other guys. I turn and walk over to Leilani. I look at her and Wanda knocks out her person and Steve's while Steve goes over to Tony. I start taking out all the needles with Wanda. "Go see how she is. I can handle this". I nod and stand I look at Leilani. 

She has marks everywhere from the needles and on her chest just below her left collar bone is the Hydra symbol branded on her skin. "Tony come here" I say and I can hear myself panicking. Tony comes over and sees the symbol "Oh my god. They did that to her!" "Yes, what do we do?" The cuffs holding Leilani down unlock and Wanda nods. "We need to bring her to Bruce. He'll know what to do." Steve says while Tony talks to himself. "Is she fully awake?" "I don't know". "Ok, because this might hurt". Steve picks Leilani up being careful of her chest. 

We go back the way we came. I see a room that wasn't there when we came in and pull Wanda into it. We both look around "What are we doing in here Nat?" "I saw one of the needle already had blood on it". I pull it out of my pocket "Which means there's some of her blood in here". We both start looking through things. "I found it" Wanda says. I walk over to her and see about 15 to 20 vials of blood. I find a box and hand it to Wanda. As she puts them in she looks at me "What's so important about her blood?"I don't say anything for a minute. "She's not human. Her blood in humans will just create chaos." She nods and hands the box to me. She gets up and we go back the way we came. 

We get outside and see Tony and Steve leaving the gate. We run after them and catch up to them. "Where did you guys go?" Steve asks. "I'll explain later". He nods. We walk to the car and Steve looks at Tony. "Where do you want me to put her?" "In the back with you guys". He nods. Steve carefully get in the car trying not to move Leilani in the process. As soon as he gets in I close the door and get in the front with Tony. "Ok, lets go" he says as he pulls back onto the road. I turn and looks at Leilani in Steve's arms. "Nat" Tony says and I turn back to him. "We need to talk about Loki". "We can't do anything" I respond. He looks at me "So then what's the game plan?" I don't say anything". "See we have no idea what to do now". 

We drive back into the city in silence. As soon as Tony parks he turn to the backseat "Wanda, you and Steve go directly to Bruce. Nat and I will be there in a few minutes. They nod and get out of the car. "What are you doing" I ask Tony. "I'm trying to come up with a plan." "No, I'm going to Leilani. You can sit here if you want a plan". I get out of the car and go upstairs. I get to where Bruce's lab is and Happy comes up to me. "Where's Tony?" "He's in the car trying to come up with a plan". He give me a confused look and I shrug. I walk past him and into the lab. Bruce is already looking at Leilani, so I walk up to them. Wanda turns to me "Good, you're here. She's mostly awake. 

I go in front of Wanda. Steve is with Leilani, who is awake. Steve looks up at me "She's awake". I nod and take Steve's spot. I look at the two of them "Can both of you get Tony out of the car. He won't come out" "Ok" Steve says. "I'll be back" Wanda says and follows Steve. 

Bruce looks at me "This is bad, Nat". I nod "I know" "How did she survive it?" "I don't know". "I need to clean the mark. I need her awake for it". "No". I look at Leilani who's leaning on me. "She's in shock right now. In about twenty to thirty minutes she will feel everything.  Wanda told me about all the needles. Nat, I need to do it". "Give me the thirty minutes. We need to find Loki." Bruce sighs "You only have that much time. When the time is over, I have to do it". "Ok". 

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