Weak as a human

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Loki POV

I open my eyes and look around. I'm still with Leilani. So I must have fallen asleep. I look at Leilani, still in my arms. She looks the same still. I put my hand on her arm and try to heal her again. She moves a little in her sleep, but it doesn't do much right now. She's probably still weak as humans are right now.

Some time passes and Leilani moves in her sleep. I look at her. She whimpers and that turns into screams. "Leilani. Leilani" I shake her, trying to wake her up. "Lei, Leilani". I put a little pressure against her chest and she wakes up sobbing. "Hey, Leilani. It's ok". I tell her as she sobs. I rock her and try to get her to calm down.

Natasha comes in a few minutes later. "How is she?" "She's having nightmares." She nods "How is the healing going?" She asks in a softer voice. "I can't heal her right now. I did a little earlier but I don't know how her powers are right now." Natasha sighs "Ok, so then she has to heal on her own." "I think so. Somehow. Aren't both of you usually here?." Natasha nods "Tony is um, talking to Fury about things right now." I nod. She walks over to Leilani. "How long did she sleep?" "The entire time." "Ok." "I need to do something. I'll be back though." Natasha stares at me. "Where are you going? Your daughter is in pain". I nod. "Yes, I know but, if I can't heal her, I don't know what can be done. I'm going to Asgard. My mother probably knew how to heal her. I just need to find it". "How long will you be gone? ". "A few days, maybe. Time is different"."Couldn't Thor do it". I shake my head. "Thor, he doesn't understand me or Leilani that much. So he won't understand this." "Leilani is going to ask for you". "Tell her I'll be back". She sighs and nods as we switch places.

Natasha POV

I watch as Loki leaves and I look at Leilani in my arms. She still isn't fully aware of things that are going on. She's silent at the moment and I look at her. "Hey, Lei". It looks like she's in shock or something. Tony comes in. "How did it go?" He sighs, "I was almost done talking when he had Cap drag me out". He kicks the trash can, and it flies to the other side of the room. "How is she doing?". Then he looks around. "Wait, where is Loki?". "He went to Asgard. He needed to find something to help Leilani." Leilani moves in my arms and I look at her. I can see in her eyes that she slowly becoming aware of everything and that also means the pain. Her eyes have tears in them and I look at her. "It's ok." "Tony, can she leaves this room?" "I don't know. I can ask Bruce". He leaves and I look back at Leilani. "Let's eat something, honey". She doesn't say or do anything.

Tony comes back some time later. "Yes, Bruce said we could move her". I nod and notice the grip Leilani had on me has returned. "Let's not move her yet though". He nods. "Ok, so what now?" "She needs to eat". "I will get you whatever you want to eat, kid". He says to Leilani. She remains not talking. "I'll be back in a minute," Tony says and then leaves.

He comes back a few minutes with a bowel of grapes. I look at him and he shrugs "It's worth a try". Tony sits in the chair next to us. "Come on Lei, let's eat some grapes". He holds one up to Leilani for her to see. Leilani looks at Tony. Tony's expression changes as soon as she looks at him. It's like his heart is breaking looking at her. "Tony," I say loudly and he snaps out of whatever trance he is in. He waits for Leilani's response. After a few minutes, she slowly nods. Tony puts it in her mouth and I smirk.

A few hours later.....

Tony has carried Leilani up to her room and Pepper and I are talking in the hall while Tony is with Leilani. "I know how Leilani is doing, but how are you, Nat?" I look at her. "Fine." Pepper looks at me for a minute and then continues to speak. "It's still bothering you, isn't it?." I look at her. "What?" "They took Leilani, who is basically your daughter." "Wait what." "Nat, you have raised Leilani. She means the world to you. I know you and Tony barely express any emotion, but I know both of you care about her more than everything." I sigh. "Tony is having a hard time with this. I've seen worse. I just didn't want to see it on her." "I know." Pepper glances at Leilani. "She'll be ok though. You both should get some sleep. When she fully heals, she'll be back to her normal stuff, and that includes getting into things." I smile "I know."

"How is Loki doing?" Pepper asks. "I don't really know. He hasn't really said anything other than Leilani. He spent the night with her, which almost never happens. He is worried about her, though. He went back to Asgard to look for something." Pepper nods. "Ok. You and Tony should sleep. I can be with Leilani." I nod "Ok." 

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