Camp Lehigh

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Tony POV

We take the elevator to under the building. I get out and everyone follows me. I pull out my car keys trying to find the car. "We're taking one of your car?" Steve asks. I finally find the car "Yes, now get in". Nat sits in the front with me and Wanda and Steve sit in the back. I turn the car on "Ok, tell me the location so we can go". "Camp Lehigh, New Jersey". "Ok". I pull out onto the city street and get on the highway. 

As I drive I look at the three of them. "Can we come up with a plan or something". Nat nods "Steve and I will try to find the right building and get us in. There are at least five guys. There's probably more. We have to find the room with all the security cameras to try to find Leilani. Then we can go get her". "What about Zola? He's probably still there." Steve says. Wanda looks at him "Who's Zola?" "Zola was a scientist that worked for Hydra and had himself be in the computer so he couldn't die. He knows a lot and can be access any computer Hydra has. He made a building collapse on us". Nat nods "He's probably still there. Which means we need to be careful what we touch. Wanda, you could actually help shut him down if we find him or if he finds us. Tony watch out!" I look back to the road just in time to swerve around a car. I see Nat in the corner of my eye shake her head. 

I drive about an hour before we get here. I turn to Steve "This is it?" He nods. "OK" I say as I park a few hundred yards down from the gate. Nat nods and we all get out. We walk to the gate and Wanda pushes it open. 

We walk in It hasn't changed that much since the last time we were here." Steve says. We follow Steve and he walks up to a collapsed building. "There's no way anyone is under here." "What about in that building?" Wanda points to the building that's on the left.  We walk up to that building. "There's footprints near the door". "Let's go in there then". Wanda opens the door and we walk in. There are file cabinets line up in rows. We walk slowly into the room and there's a door at the room. We go through the door and there is a divided hallway "Guys, I don't think we should spilt up" Wanda says quietly. I nod "Ok, then which way should we go?" "This way" Steve says and we start walking to the left. I hear voices down the hall and we walk closer. 

"I see at least 2 guys" Nat says. "Ok, then go in then" Wanda says. The three of them go in front of me and I follow them. Nat and Wanda knock them out. Steve take one of their radios so we can listen and we keep on walking. We find the security camera room and look at the screens trying to find Leilani. "I found her" I say as I point to a screen. On the screen Leilani is awake and cuffed to a chair and three people are talking. "Turn the mic on Tony". I turn it on and we can here they. people talking. "Did you get as many vials as you could?" One of then asks the other, who nods. "Do you think it will hold all her blood?" The third one says. I turn the mic off. All of us are quiet. 

Natasha POV

I look at the ground. "We need to go get her before they do that". Everyone looks at me. "We need to move now". The rest of them move and I follow. We walk down another hall. "That room should be here somewhere" Steve says. We walk a little bit further until we hear blood curdling  screaming. We all stop in our tracks "That's Leilani". I say as I push past Tony and Steve. "Nat where are you going" Steve shouts. I find the door where the screaming is coming from and go inside. 

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