Hair Strand

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Natasha POV

As the next few days pass, Tony wants Leilani to have someone with her at all times until Loki comes back with the cuffs. Someone meaning Wanda, Clint, or myself. Currently, I'm sitting on the floor outside of the training room watching Leilani and Clint train. She's getting a lot better since the last time I saw her.

I sit there for about an hour and a half before they eventually finish. As Leilani sits on the ground, Clint comes over to me. "Hi" "Hey". He glances at Leilani and asks, "Does she know yet?" I shake my head. "No. I don't want to be the one to tell her. It wasn't my idea." He nods. "When are they doing it?" "Later. She won't like it. We've never seen her fully awake with no powers. Loki and Tony hope the cuffs will do something. Loki came by last night to give them to Tony." "She's going to be ok, Nat." I nod. "Leilani's better than the last time I saw her train." He chuckles. "Yeah, a couple months would do it.".

Leilani comes over to us and pulls on my arm. "Did you see?" I nod. "I did see you, Lei you did a good job." "I'll see you tomorrow, Nat," Clint says, and then leaves. I look at Leilani. "You're getting better, honey. Let's, uh, get you some lunch." Leilani doesn't say anything as we head upstairs to the kitchen.

As I make a sandwich for Leilani, Tony comes in. I look at him as I slide the plate to Leilani. "Nat," he starts, and I motion for the living room. We walk into the living room and turn to Tony. "Nat, we have it, and we're ready." I shake my head. "No, she's eating real food for the first time in a while. In a few hours." "A couple hours." "Fine". I look at the kitchen and see Leilani eating her sandwich. Tony nods and then leaves.

A few hours later

Tony finds me a couple hours later. "It's time, Nat." I sigh. "Ok, Leilani is in the living room with Wanda." We walk to the living room, and Wanda and Leilani are watching some movies. "Lei, can you pause the movie? Tony and I need to talk to you." She stares at me, and Wanda turns the TV off. I give Tony a look so he can start talking. "Kid, I want to show you something we are going to put on you to help your powers." Leilani just stares at him. "I'm going to go," Wanda says, and she slowly gets up and leaves. "Let's go down to the level Bruce works.

The three of us walk into the elevator and get in. "Why do I need to do this?" Leilani asks. I look at the floor until the doors open again. We walk past Bruce's office and into a different room. As we walk into that room, I see Loki waiting for us. Tony and I walked in, but Leilani stayed in the doorway. "What's going on?" she says from where she is standing. I give both Loki and Tony a look. "Leilani, come in here." She slowly walks in here. "We want you to try something," Loki says as Tony opens the case. "Like what?" "Like these kid." He pulls out the cuffs. "What are those?" Loki takes the cuffs from Tony. "They are from Asgard. The cuffs take away powers or help control them more." "Come try it, kid." Leilani walks over to them. "What is this going to do?" "We're not sure yet.".

Loki POV

"I'm going to put them on you, ok?" She nods slowly. Tony puts the first cuff on, waits a minute, and then puts the second one on her. We all stare at her for a minute, and then she speaks "I feel weird." I kneel down to her height and look at her in her eyes. They're still green in her eyes, but this is different. "Can you use your powers?" I ask. A strand of Leilani's hair slowly turns red. I touch it and then look at Tony and Natasha. They both seem surprised. "Can you do anything else?" Leilani looks at me and shakes her head. "I think it does work," Tony says quietly. I nod as he takes them off, Leilani. "I can make some form of these her size." "She still needs to learn how to control it, though.".

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