Pepper and Leilani

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Tony POV

I'm making pancakes in the morning for Leilani while Nat goes over everything with Loki. Leilani is staring at the counter. "What's wrong"I ask Leilani. She doesn't say anything so I stop what I'm doing and walk over to her. I pick her up from the stool she is sitting on. "What's wrong Lei". She mumbles something into my shoulder. "I don't know what you're saying. Pick your head up". Leilani picks up her head  crying " I don't want you to go". I sigh "I know you don't but Pepper and your dad are going to be here with you". "I don't want you to go" she sobs. "It's only for a couple days at most". I don't want to leave her. I'd rather stay here with her. I see Nat come over while Loki leaves. She looks at me holding Leilani. "Hey, honey what's wrong". I hand her Leilani and go back to cooking pancakes. Natasha says the exact same things that I had. 

After a few minutes Nat seats Leilani back on the stool and sit next to her. Natasha looks at me "It is just a couple days right?" I nod slowly "I think so". I set a plate of pancakes in front of each of them and make myself a plate. As I eat I talk to Nat."Why did you tell Loki not to leave earth." She shrugs "It's something that he would do I guess" I nod. Clint walks by us "Ready to go? I think everyone there is ready". We both nod and Pepper comes into the kitchen. "Are you guys ready to go?" Nat nods and says bye to Leilani and I say bye to Pepper and Leilani. Leilani starts crying again and Pepper picks her up and Nat kisses her goodbye. 

Pepper POV

I hold crying Leilani as Natasha and Tony leaves. After a few minutes Leilani calms down. "Your dad is coming later so in the mean time what do you want to do?" "What we usually do". I smile "Ok".  Since Tony and Nat go on lots of missions, I'm usually the one that stays with her while they're gone. What we usually do is go to the park and then we play with her toys or I have her color while I work for a bit. We figure it out. Tony last night warned me about Leilani and her powers and to be cautious about where we go. 

I get her ready to go to the park and then we walk to the park. As we walked there I notice her being quieter than usual. We get to the park and she runs to the swings. I catch up to her and push her on the swings. "Pepper" "Yes, honey". There's a long pause. "Pepper can we go to the pond?" I look at my watch. "Not this time and you need to eat lunch". Leilani sighs and gets off the swing. As we walk back to the compound, I talk to her about lunch.  By the time we get to the compound Leilani has said no to every option. We walk into the kitchen and I lift her on a stool. "Leilani you need to eat". She shakes her head. "Honey you haven't eaten all day" "No". "Ok, how about you color and if you think of something you want to eat you tell me". She nods slowly as I give her paper and colored pencils. I sit next to her on a stool and do some work. Leilani color and I watch her for a few minutes. Something is off about her but I can't figure out what. 

After a couple hours of coloring Leilani looks at me. "Can we go outside?" I look at the time "I have to go into work soon but your dad will be here anytime now". "When are you coming back". "After dinner probably". I get a look for Lei. "So I won't see you till tomorrow". I nod "I'll be here in the morning when you get up." She gives me a look  "Promise". "Promise".   Just as I say it Loki walks into the kitchen

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