Park plus some dead pigeons

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1year later...

Natasha POV

Clint walks into the living room while I'm on the couch. "Are you going to ask me or no?". I look at at him. "I have no idea what you're talking about". "I know you want to know how Leilani is doing with her training. You ask me every other month. You haven't asked me in about 3 months." I smirk "You really kept track?" He nods. I sigh "Ok, I do want to know". "Ok. She's getting better. She now knows four types of martial arts and she's been boxing with Steve." I nod "Ok". "Where is she anyway. I've been waiting for 15 minutes". "I think she is with Tony". Clint looks at me "How the ballet going for her?" I sigh "She's good at it. She just doesn't like it. I told her she has to do it for at least one more year".  He laughs "She's going to hold you to it though""I know".

We sit there for a few more minutes and then the elevator door opens and Leilani and Tony come out. I turn to look at both of them and give them a look. "Leilani go with Clint"I say softly. Leilani goes with Clint and I turn to Tony. "Where did you guys go. She has a session with Clint". "We went to the park". "Ok". "Nat why are you having her do two to three sessions a day? She needs to learn other things." "First, she can't go to normal school because she lost control in the first couple hours and that's why you hired a tutor. Second, the training helps her control her powers." Tony shakes his head "We both know she's slowly losing control again." Tony sits down on the couch. "What did she do?" I ask quietly. Tony looks at the floor "She killed 8 pigeons at the park and she doesn't know about it. I told her they were sleeping. The other night she was in here and I startled her while she was watching TV and everything went flying. What about you?" "I give her a glass and she hands it back to me cracked. Two glasses have actually shattered." Tony looks at me "We can figure it out".

"Hey guys" I hear Clint yell. We walk to where he is. "Leilani just threw up". I walk over and see Leilani sitting on the floor with everything she threw up next to her. "Ah kid," Tony says walking in. Leilani throws up again and I back up a bit. "Did she eat while she was at the park?" Tony nods. "What did she have?""A hotdog, ice cream and popcorn". I look at him "You gave her that? No wonder she's sick". 

I look at Leilani, and by the look on her face she doesn't feel good. "Sweetheart let's get you upstairs". I have her stand up so I can pick her up. "Tony, you can clean it up" I tell him as I walk out of the room. I get in the elevator holding Leilani and we get off on the floor her room is on. We get to her room and go into her bathroom. I set her on the edge of the bathtub and clean off her face. "Let's get you into pajamas ok?" She nods. I hand her clothes to change into and go into her room to find a trash bin. 

She comes out and sits on her bed. "How do you feel Lei?" She looks at me "My belly hurts". I sit next to her and feel her head. "No fever which is good". I braid her hair "I think not eating food at the parks is a good idea". "She nods in agreement. "Try to lie down and here's a bin if you need to throw up again. I need to go check on Tony. I'll be back soon". "Ok". I'm almost out of her room and hear her throw up again. I turn and go back to her. I wipe her face "How much did you eat, honey?" "A lot, I think". I sigh "Ok, you need to lie down but I'll have Tony come up". "Are you gonna stay?" I look at Leilani "Yeah, I'll stay".

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you call Tony up here" I ask. "Yes, I can do that is the response". "Nat my belly hurts". I turn to Leilani and can see she's uncomfortable. "I know honey".  Tony comes into the room. "Everything is cleaned up downstairs". I look at him "How much did you feed her at the park?" Tony thinks about it for a minute "A lot, I don't remember how much. Why?" I sigh "Because she's thrown up three times already". Tony looks at Leilani "Sorry kid". 

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