It's Time I think

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Natasha POV

I go to wake Leilani up in the morning like I usually do. "Sweetie" I say as I gently shake her. She moves a little but not that much. "Leilani, honey it's time to get up". She moves a little bit more but, doesn't get up. I sit on her bed looking at her in her blankets. "What's going on with you? Pepper and your dad said you haven't been yourself." She moves her body to face me and looks at me. "What's going on with you". She sits up on curls up in my side. "How about you get dressed and we'll figure things out". "Ok" She gets dressed with the outfit I pick out for her. "Ready?" She nods. We go downstairs and go into the kitchen.

We walk into the kitchen to find find Loki and Tony in the kitchen. I pick Leilani up and put her on a stool. "What do you want to eat kid" Tony asks her. Leilani shakes her head. Loki sighs "Leilani you need to eat. It's been a couple days". Tony and I both stare at him. "What". "Leilani hasn't eaten in a couple days. We've tried everything". I look at Leilani, who is looking at the counter and give Tony a look. Loki continues "I do need to talk to both of you about something and I don't have much time". "Go to the living room for now ok Lei". She nods

Loki POV

I watch Leilani walk into the other room and then face Tony and Natasha. "How was she while we were gone?" Natasha asks. I pause for a minute. "I've found out more about her powers from her." Tony crosses his arms "What do you mean". "She shattered all the glass in here." They both stare at me. "So what do we do? And what does this mean". "It means one day she is going to be very powerful. Right now it means she can't control them at all. Every time something happens the more scared she gets and then it gets more out of control.". "How do we help her ?" Natasha asks. "She needs to start training".

Tony and Natasha stare at me for a couple minutes. "What? She's five she can't start training" Natasha says. "She needs to start. She will learn how to use her powers while doing it." "What if she doesn't do it?" Tony asks. "She will get more powerful the older she gets. If she doesn't train I don't know what will happen". "Then what will we need to do?" Tony asks. "She will need to learn everything. The more she knows the more she can control everything. She needs to learn everything you all can teach her." Natasha nods "How do we start?" "Something small for now but more than one thing. I'll leave it up to you. I need to go but Thor can find me". They both nod.

Tony POV

I watch Loki leave and turn to Natasha. "How do we start?""We need to get her to eat". "Leilani come here". She comes into the kitchen and I pick her up and set her on the stool. I walk behind the counter so I can face her with Nat right next to me. "You need to eat kid". She shakes her head. "Leilani you haven't eaten anything in days. You need to eat". She looks at the counter. "Kid, we will give you anything as long as you eat". She shakes her head. Nat looks at me. "She needs to eat Tony". I sigh "If Pepper can't get her to eat I don't know if we can". Nat turns to Leilani. "Honey you need to eat." Leilani looks at us. "Do you want juice?" Nat asks her. She nods. "Tony make her a smoothie". I pull out the blender and Nat hands me everything to put in it. I make the smoothie and hand it to Leilani.

As she drinks it Nat and I talk. "She needs to start training". She nods "Clint and Steve can work on martial arts and a punching bag I guess". "What about you" I ask her. She hesitates "Not now but I want her to do ballet". I look at her "Ok, why?" "That's how I started". "When do you want her to start?" " As soon as possible but it needs to be here". I nod. "Tony she drank it all". I turn around and see Leilani with an empty glass. "Good job kid". I take her glass and put it in the sink. "Honey we have something to talk to you about but, let's go to the living room".

Natasha POV

We walk to the living room and sit on the couch. "Honey your dad and us have been talking and we think it's time to start your training." She doesn't say anything. "Clint and Steve will be training with you". "What about you?". I look at her. "Not right now but eventually. You will start ballet though." "Why not Tony?" "I also can't do anything till you're a bit older". "Do I have to?". She looks at me and I don't say anything so she turns to Tony. "Yes Leilani" is her answer from Tony. Tony gets up and I follow him "Do think she can really handle this?". He looks at me "I really hope so."

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