What's on your mind

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Loki POV

I go back to the Avengers tower in the morning and see Pepper in the kitchen. I walk over to her "Is Leilani up?" She gives me a surprised look. "No, she should have been up awhile ago". "I can go get her up ." She nods now looking at her watch.

I take the elevator up and get off on the floor with her room on it. I go into her room and find her in the exact same spot I left her in last night. I walk over to her bed and gently shake her. "Leilani". She opens her eyes and looks at me. "It's time to get up". She shakes her head. "Why not?" "I don't want to". I sit on the floor next to her bed. "I'm going to be here all day. Pepper is downstairs". She sits up and looks at me "ok". "Lets get you dressed".

I grab some clothes for her and she gets dressed. Then we go downstairs. Pepper looks up from her computer as Leilani runs to her. "What do you want to eat" Pepper asks her. Leilani shakes her head and goes into the living room. Pepper looks at me "Did she eat with you?" " No". Pepper sighs "She needs to eat at some point". I go into the living room and see Leilani sitting on the couch. "What do you want to do?" "Go to the pond" "What pond?" "The one in the park" I look at her "Ok go tell Pepper we're going". She nods and goes to tell Pepper. A minutes later she comes back. "She said ok". "Ok then let's go".

It takes us a long time to get there because both of us don't know the way to go. We finally get there and Leilani leads me to the pond. "Daddy look". I look at the pond. "Why did you want to come here?" "Pepper doesn't have enough time to take me here". I nod. We sit on a bench and look at the pond.

After of almost an hour, I look at Leilani who has gone silent. "Hey". She looks at me with a look on her face. "What's wrong". She doesn't say anything. I pick her up "What's in your head?" She put her head on my shoulder. "I don't know" "Ok, do you still want to be here?" "Pepper!" I turn around and see Pepper walking toward us. "I've been looking for both of you. I have a go to a last minute meeting but I should be done in a couple hours." I nod "Ok". She says bye to Leilani and then walks away in the opposite direction we came from.

I look at Leilani in my arms "What do you want to do". "Can we find pigeons?" I set her down on the pavement "What's a pigeon". Leilani giggles "It's a bird". I take her hand and she leads me around the park to try to find a pigeon. We finally stop at a group of birds. "Thats's a pigeon daddy." Then she starts chasing them. I sit on a bench and watch her.

After another hour she finally comes over to me. "Can we go home?" "Yes". I take her hand and we walk back to the tower. It's takes us almost two hours.

We finally get back and I look at the time. "You need to eat Leilani". I turn around and she's gone. "Leilani" I call out and then her in the main area. I notice she's covered in mud. "Lets get you into the bath and then we can work on eating".

I get her into the elevator and then into her room so I can start a bath for her. As she takes a bath, I pull out pajamas for her. "Daddy" I look up and she comes out in a towel. I show her the clothes and then go clean up the bathroom. By the time I clean the bathroom she is in her pajamas. "Let's get you something to eat". I don't get a response from her but she follows me into the elevator to go downstairs.

We walk into the kitchen and I pick her up and put her on a stool. "Ok what do you want to eat?" I look at Leilani who doesn't give me a response. "Leilani". She looks at me. "What do you want to eat". She shakes her head "Lei, you need to eat something. Even if it's just a little bit". She puts her head on the counter and falls silent. I watch her for few minutes. I know something going on in her head. "What's going on with you" I gently ask her. "I don't know." She looks at me. There is only confusion in her eyes. "Ok". She's only five. I can't ask her anything else because she's wouldn't know at all.

A door opens there are a bunch of footsteps. Natasha comes into the kitchen. "Hey". She looks at me "What's going on with her". "Leilani?". Leilani pick head off the counter. "Nat". Natasha picks her up. "Do you mind if I put her to bed." I shake my head "She's already gotten a bath". She nods and carries Leilani upstairs just as Tony walks into the kitchen. "How was the past few days?"

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