Day 5

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Pepper POV

It's been 5 days since they've left. I know where some of them are. Most of them are in some jail cell in the middle of nowhere. Steve and Nat are on the run and nowhere to be found, and I have no idea where Tony is.

Loki is with Leilani right now, and I think she is helping her with her powers. I've tried to make everything normal for the last few days and not stress her out. She's six and could possibly collapse this entire building, so normal it is.

"Can we go to the park?" I look up from my computer and see Leilani and Loki. "Um". "Please Pepper". I look at Loki and say, "Yes, but you can't let her out of your sight and no food." He nods, and the two of them leave.

I look back at my computer, and then F.R.I.D.A.Y. goes off. "Person on the balcony. Person on the balcony". "Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y." I slowly get up and walk to the balcony. I go outside, and Tony is standing there. "Tony." He turns around and says, "Pep." He's covered in dirt and other things. "Where have you been all this time?" He sighs and starts making himself a drink. "I left before everything got out of hand. "It takes time to come all the way back here, undetected." "Ok, it's good that you back." He nods, and I notice he has the shield. "Why do you have that?" "Have what?" "The shield". "It's mine. It's rightfully mine." "What happened on this mission? Why are Nat and Steve on the run? Why is everyone else inprisoned? Why do you have the shield?". "How's Leilani?" "Don't avoid the question." "How is Leilani?" "Tony Stark!" "How is my kid?" he says, his tone getting louder. I sigh. "She isn't eating. Nothing is working." "You've tried everything?" "You know what I mean. Something is bothering her that she won't tell me." "Anything else?" "I've let her stay up fifteen minutes later the past few nights. She's waiting for you, Nat, or someone else to come back."

"What?" he says softly. "The second night you were gone, she thought everyone was coming back, but no one has. We sit in the living room for fifteen minutes and wait. She's going to be happy you're back." "Where is she anyway? I would have assumed she would be out here now." "She is at the park with Loki. They left a few minutes ago. Loki was here. to help her with her powers, and Leilani wanted to go to the park. She's had no training, so they went." He opens his mouth. "Yes, I told him the rules of the park, Tony." He nods. "You can see her when she comes back." "No". "What?". He looks at me and says, "I need to deal with some things before I can see her.".

Tony grabs the shield and walks inside, with me following him. "Tony, what are you doing?" "I need to deal with things, Pepper." "What does that mean?" He gets into the elevator, and I follow him, "Tony.".

We spend the elevator ride in silence, and as soon as he gets off, he looks at me and says, "Steve Roger, Captain American, whatever you want to call him, knew who killed my mother the entire time I've known him. When we got there, he told me. HE KNEW THIS ENTIRE TIME. I'M TRYING TO SAVE THE GOD-DAM WORLD FROM WHO KNOWS WHAT AND HE TELLS ME THIS." He takes a deep breath, and I look at him. "You did what you could for the world for now. Steve should have told you. I know your mother meant everything to you." He nods, and I smile. "Go into your workshop and do things." "Thanks Pep". He gives me a kiss and goes into his workshop.

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