I don't think it can happen...

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Natasha POV

We get back to the tower and get into the elevator so we can all change into different clothes. We all off at the same floor and Leilani and I go to a different side of of the hall than Tony. I pull out clothes for Leilani to change into and then go into my room to change. Then I go back into Leilani's room. "Come on let's go downstairs". She nods and we head downstairs again. We go into the living room and Loki is in there and Leilani runs to him. He picks her up and looks at me "How did it go?" I sigh "Let's wait for Tony and then I'll explain everything". 

Tony comes down a few minutes later. "Ok let's do this". "Ok, Leilani why don't you go find Happy and do something with with him?" "Fine" and I get a strange look from her as she leaves. Tony sits down on the couch. "How did it go?" Loki asks. "I don't think it can happen" Tony says. "Why?" "They think she's too smart for her age group of kids. So they want her to be with much older kids" I explain . "Ok then so how did she behave?" We all sit in silence for a few minutes before Tony breaks it "She killed ten animals at one of the schools. She didn't see them". Loki gives a surprised look "You think she's losing control again don't you?"

 We both nod "I took her to the park and she killed some birds and Nat says Leilani has been breaking the cups again". Loki looks at the ground "Does she know about the animals?" "No" "Ok, so she's probably stressed out about something".  I look at Loki "Like what?" "Her powers. She gets scared every time something happens. Like when she touches glass and it breaks." "What do we all do then?" Loki looks at Tony "She continues all her training. I will try to come multiple days a weeks to try to get things under control with her." I nod "I do have one more question for you though?" Loki looks at me. " Is it normal to be killing things at her age right now or no?" "I don't really know but most likely not". "Ok". 

Leilani comes back in the room with Happy. "I need to go so you can have her back". Tony nods and Leilani sits next to me. "Ok, I also need to go. I have some business to attend to. I will be back for bedtime though". Loki says looking at Leilani. Then he leaves. "What time is it?" I ask Tony. He looks at his watch "Almost three". "You need to eat Leilani". She shakes her head. "Lets's at least go to the kitchen". We go to the kitchen and Leilani sits on a stool. "What do you want to eat". "Nothing" she mumbles. "Honey, you've got to eat".   "I'm not hungry Nat". I look at her "Did you eat anything today?" She doesn't say anything. I walk to the other side of the counter and sit on the stool next to her. "What's going on with you, honey?" "I don't know". "Ok, answer this question and then you can go. Name one thing that's going on in your head." There's a long pause before she talks again. "It's all blurry. I don't really know". I nod "Ok, you can go". She nods and then goes into a different room to do something else. 

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