Bedtime Story

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Loki POV

I pick up Leilani from the couch and Natasha leaves to go do something. I look at Leilani and see that she's tired and her head is on my shoulder. "Are you tired" I ask. She smiles and shakes her her head. "Let's go to your room at least" I suggest. "Ok". We get in the elevator and go up to her room. I carry her to her room and set her on her bed. She sits up and looks at me. I sigh "We need to talk about the cup". She shakes her head no. "I didn't mean to break the cup..." I sit next to her on her bed. "Lei, you know I have powers right?" She nods. "We all think that you have powers too, and somethings are going to happen like the cup, ok?" Leilani nods "ok daddy. Can you read me a story?' I nod and wave my hands and her book appears.

 Can you read me a story?' I nod and wave my hands and her book appears

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 I know Tony and Natasha read to her too, so I read her about different stories they have never heard of. I read her stories about Asgard. Leilani curls up next to me. "Which one do you want me to read to you". She thinks for a minute, "the tree""Ok". I open up the book and begin reading to her about the tree that connects all of the nine realms. As I read I notice Leilani falling asleep. I read till I make sure she's asleep and I stop reading. I tuck her in and start to stand up. "daddy" she mumbles. I turn around "Yes". "can you stay" "Ok". I sit back down and and she curls up in my side "i love you daddy".  I smile to myself "I love you too Lei".

I sit on her bed and read a book and after some time I notice green mist swirls around her left hand.I watch it for a few minutes and then reach out to touch it. As I touch it, it stops. I wave my own hand and my magic appears the exact same color as the mist that was around her hand.

Leilani definitely has magic and I don't know how strong it is or how she can control it or whether she can or not.

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