Good Idea?

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Natasha POV

I look at Tony and then back to Loki. "She can create wormholes and project images of herself?" Loki nods. "How do we manage that? The hole I fell through grew bigger by the minute". Loki opens his mouth "Leilani is going to keep on discovering new things she can do as she gets older." Tony and I exchange looks. "Ok so, how do we stop it". Tony gets up "How many powers is she going to get?" Loki shrugs. I look at the kitchen and see Leilani still in the kitchen. "Both of you, we need to remember that she's 6. She's capable of this stuff but, she's still a kid. A little kid." Everyone is silent for a minute and Tony breaks it. " What if we put Loki's cuffs on her". I stare at him "No. We can't do that." Tony looks at Loki who nods "I think it's a good idea". "So both of you are going to strip all her powers from her?" "Nat, she can't control it. If it works, I can probably make some modifications for hers". Tony looks over at Loki "Where do we get them". "He sighs "Thor".

I get up and walk to the kitchen. I walk over to the other side of the counter and look at Leilani. "Hey". She looks up. Her eyes are red from crying. "I know it's late but do you want ice cream?" She doesn't say anything. "I didn't mean to create the hole" she says quietly. I nod "I know. We're trying figure out how to help you". I look into the living room and see Tony and Loki still talking. "Let's go to bed Lei". She nods and gets off the stool. "Go say goodnight to them ok?" "Ok". We walk into the living room and she says goodnight. 

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