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Natasha POV

Tony leaves and Leilani climbs into my lap. I look at Steve "What time is it". "I think maybe 5 or 5:30". I look at Leilani "What do you want for dinner?" She shrugs and Steve stares at me "You feed her this early?" I nod "She's six. She'll be in bed by 8:30 maybe. Loki is coming by later". "Why can't I go with Tony?" I look at Leilani. "Tony has to do a few things". She mumbles something and I wrap my arms around her. "What do you want for dinner?" She shrugs. "You don't know what you want to eat, Leilani?" Steve says as she shakes her head. "She takes a while to deciede and most of the time I make her something before she can decide" I tell Steve. He opens his mouth and I give him a look. "You probably can't even get her to make up her mind". "I'll give it a try".

I spend the next thirty minutes listening to Steve suggest food for Leilani to eat and her saying no to all of them. I eventually turn to Steve "Ok, you can stop suggesting things". He stops talking. "Let's go to the kitchen" I tell Leilani as she gets up from my lap. We walk to the kitchen and she sits on a stool. I pull things out of the fridge and start to make Leilani a smoothie. Steve follows us in "You're giving her that?". I sigh "Steve, if she would eat anything else I would give it to her but, she won't eat anything else". He starts to open his mouth. "Don't try to have her eat things for half an hour." I finish the smoothie and give it to Leilani. "Loki should be here soon and I don't know it you want to see him" I tell Steve. He nods "I better be going. Bye Leilani" he says as he leaves.

I notice Leilani's eyes are greener than usual "What's going on Leilani?" She shrugs and starts to drink the smoothie. " Lei, what's going on in your head?" She shrugs again. I sigh and watch her finish her smoothie.

Loki walks into the kitchen as Leilani is finishing up. He walks up to me "How has she been?" "The same pretty much." He nods and looks at Leilani "What did you do today". She just stares at him. "Can we play hide and seek". Both of them stare at me. "Um. Ok but, someone has to go with you so hide with you". Leilani nods and I put her cup in the sink. We go into the living room and Loki starts counting to 100. I follow Leilani to her hiding spot. We end up in the kitchen behind the counter. I can hear Loki slowly stop counting but, I don't think Leilani did. I look at her and her eyes are getting greener. "Leilani, what's going on in your head". She shrugs. She starts talking to herself and starts fidgeting with her hands. "Hey look at me". She looks at me and there's some fear in her eyes. "I'm right here ok". She begins to move her hands at the floor and I stare at her "What are you doing Leilani?" I look at her as a hole opens in the floor. " Leilani what are you doing?" Then the hole gets bigger by the seconds to where, we are the only things that are on the floor. " Leilani what are you doing". I turn my head for a second and in the corner of my eyes I see Leilani fall in. I sigh and jump in after her.

I can't see anything and it's dark. I blink and then I fall to the ground right in front of Loki. I slowly get up. Tony comes running in out of breathe. He stops in front of me " Leilani can make things move and have holes." I glare at him "I know. I just fell through one of them". I stand up "Where is she". "Loki followed her somewhere". "Pepper made you come back?" "Yep, we didn't even get to dinner". We walk around the main floor trying to find them. "Do you see them?". Tony shakes his head. "Let's just wait for them".

About twenty minutes later Loki and Leilani come into the living room. "Ok, we've figured out some things". I nod "Ok, what is it?" "Leilani can create worm holes, and create copies of herself". Tony and I stare at them. "Uh, Leilani why don't you go into the kitchen". Tony opens his mouth to argue with me. "I can still see her Tony". Leilani goes to the kitchen and we turn to Loki "Ok, what do we do?"

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