Not human

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Tony POV

I wake up to someone screaming in the middle of the night. I sit up in bed and then get up to go to the halls. I open the door and then realize who's screaming. It's Leilani. I run down the hall towards her room just as Nat comes running down the opposite direction I'm coming from. I go into her room and find her having some sort of nightmare. I gently shake her trying to get her up. "Lei, wake up". Nat comes into the room. "I'm trying to wake her up" I tell her. She shakes Leilani trying to get her up. 

After a few tries of shaking her, she finally wakes. I sit her up and she starts sobbing. We both sit on her bed "Honey, your'e ok and you're here with both of us." Nat says. Leilani shakes her head still sobbing. Nat pulls Leilani toward her and holds her in her arms. She looks at me with a worried expression on her face. I look at Leilani "Do you want to talk about it kid?" She shakes her head. Leilani has slowly stopped crying. "We all need to go back to bed". She nods "Yeah" I get up and then Nat looks at me "I'm going to have Leilani sleep with me in my room". I nod and she stands up picking up Leilani in the process. We all leave her room and go different directions in the hall.

Natasha POV

In the morning I wake up and check on Leilani who's sleeping next to me. I sit up and she's still asleep. I get dressed and decide to go downstair and come back later to check on Leilani. I go downstairs and walk into the kitchen to find everyone in there. "Nat, do you want coffee?" I nod and Steve hands me a cup. I sit at the counter and Clint sits next to me. I look at him "Can I ask you something?" He nods. "How bad can kids nightmares get?" "I don't know. Why? Is this about Leilani?" "Yes, she woke up in the middle of the night screaming and it took Tony and I awhile to calm her down. It took even longer to get her to go back to sleep." "That was her screaming last night?" "Yeah, why." "I think Steve went outside to see if anyone was out there. So I think everyone heard her." I sigh "Ok". Tony walks into the kitchen and goes straight for the coffee. Clint looks at him and then back at me "Where is Leilani anyway?" "Sleeping". "Should I just let her have the day?" I realize he was here for Leilani's sessions. "I forgot you were doing that today. I think we're just giving her the day and Loki is coming at some point". "Ok, I'll either see you tomorrow or later then". He says getting off the stool. "Where are you going" "I'm going to train." Then he leaves.

Tony takes Clint's stool. "What are we going to do" he asks. "I don't know" I put my cup on the counter. "What time is it" "9:17" Tony answers. "I need to go wake Leilani up". She's still asleep?" "Yeah, after I brought her to my room it took a long time to get her go to sleep". I get up and head upstairs. i walk into my room and see Leilani exactly where she was an hour and a half ago. I walk over to the my bed. "Lei, it's time to get up". I shake her and she moves a little bit. "Come on, I let you sleep and hour later then you usually do". "She opens her eyes and sits up. I look at her "Honey, do you feel ok?" "I don't know". I feel her forehead and she's burning with a temperature. "You have a fever Lei". She doesn't say anything and then starts coughing. 

"F.R.I.D.A.Y can you ask Tony to come up here?" "Yes, right away" F.R.I.D.A.Y responds. I sit on the bed next to Leilani. "Does anything in your body hurt?" She nods. "What hurts?" "My whole body". I notice one of her eyes is greener than the other. "What's going on" Tony says as her comes into my room. "First can you get one of Leilani's blankets from her room and then I can talk to you." He stares and me and then I give him a look and he goes to get it. "Nat, I'm cold". I look at Leilani "I know, Tony's getting you a blanket". Tony comes back with a blanket and hand it to me and I wrap it around Leilani. "What's going on?" "I think somethings wrong with Leilani". "She seems ok to me." Leilani starts coughing again. "I think she's sick Tony". "I thought she couldn't get sick". I look at him "I don't know, it looks like she's sick though". 

Tony comes closer to Leilani. "Feel her forehead" I tell him. He puts a hand on Leilani's head "Ok, you're somehow right but, her forehead is really warm. Like warmer than a human with a high fever." "What?" I feel her forehead again. "It's warmer from when I checked it last". "What else is wrong with her". "She said her whole body hurts and she's cold." "Loki said he'll be here in the morning". "He isn't here yet Tony".  "Bruce is in his lab I think". I shake my head "I don't know." I look at Leilani who looks back at me with a pained expression on her face. "What's wrong Lei". "My body hurts" "Does it hurt more than earlier?" She nods. "Why don't you lie down till we figure this out ok?" She nods. "It's been almost an hour and all of her symptoms are getting worse". Tony paces back and forth "I don't know what to do". "I'm out of ideas too but we have to do something". Leilani sit up and starts coughing. Tony stops pacing "Nat, I think she's coughing up blood". I fully turn around and see Leilani coughing into her hand. I gently grab her arm and hold it out so I can see. On her hand is blood. I look at Tony. "We need Bruce."

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