She got taken

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"Have you seen Leilani?" Tony comes in the training room. "No she was on couch watching TV. She shouldn't be anywhere else. Why?" He makes a face "She wanted to go to the park. So I told her to get shoes and her coat and now I can't find her". I stare at him "To start this off she's not supposed to be doing anything. Second, you let her do the elevator all by herself? She still doesn't know which is the right elevator even after five years". "I put her on the right elevator. All Loki said was that she wouldn't have her powers for a couple days. All Bruce said was for her not to train for a day or two. I'm taking her to the park, Nat. Not to war". "She's really feeling fine?" He nods. I look at Steve who's been standing there for the last five minutes. "Sorry". I turn Tony "Ok, just don't let her eat anything there". "Ok" and then he leaves.

"So how's everything going with you?" Steve says as we resume boxing. "The same pretty much". "Fair enough".

An hour later as I'm sitting on the couch, Happy and Tony come running up to me "Is Leilani with you?" "No why." "We can't find her" Happy says. "What? What happened?""I was taking Leilani to the park about twenty minutes ago. We went through the lobby like we usually do to leave the building normally and a group of people came in and I lost her." I stand up "What about the cameras?" "We haven't check those yet. We're going to next though". "Ok, I'm coming with you guys". They both nod and we go to where all the security camera screens are."Pull up the one in the lobby". Happy nods and pulls it up. He pulls up the lobby and goes back twenty minutes. We watch Tony comes out the door where the elevator is with Leilani ahead of him. Then a group of school kids separates them. "Go to the camera that faces the door". Happy switches the screen. We seen Leilani look behind her and then a man grabs her. Leilani tries to get away from him and then a guy that's sitting in a chair gets up and him and two other guys go to the guy that grabbed Leilani. One of the guys pulls a rag out of his pocket and presses it against her mouth. Then they carry her outside. "Go back a couple seconds" I tell Happy. He does that and I step closer to the screen. "Can you zoom in in the guy with the rag?" He nods and does that. On the guys wrist is a tattoo.

I sit in a chair and put my face in my hands. "Nat what's wrong?" Tony asks. I look up at him "I know that tattoo". "What is it?""It's Hydra. Hydra now has Leilani". He stares at me "I thought they were gone". "No, I thought it was too until I went on a mission with Steve and we ended up finding it." "We need to go get her. Hydra does experiments right?" I feel the color drain from my face "Yes. It's complicated to find them. The building collapsed when we were there last. They're probably near there though." I stand up "We need everyone we can get to come with us". Tony nods "Ok". We all walk out the elevator and get in. I notice Tony holding Leilani's coat "That's her coat". He nods "I didn't get a chance to have her put it on". I nod "She's got to be freezing though. It's January". The door opens and we walk into the kitchen. Steve and Wanda are talking and eating lunch. "We need your help" I say. "What's wrong?" Wanda says. I look at Steve "Hydra has kidnapped Leilani". Steve chokes on the piece of food he's eating and Tony slaps him on the back. He coughs it up and stares at me "How do you know" "One of the guys has a tattoo of the symbol". "Ok, so then how to we get her back". "We have to go to their old base. Your old base". "Ok, what do we need to do then?" "We need to go back. Is anyone else here?" Wanda shakes her head. "Clint left a few hours ago to go home. No one else is here".

I look at Tony "What do you think?" "I think the four of us is fine. We just need to be careful. Happy can be here if anything happens". I look at Steve and Wanda "What do you think?" Wanda nods "Ok". Steve looks at me in the eye "Are you sure she's there?" I nod "Positive". "Ok". "How about we meet back her in a couple minute and then leave" Tony says. "Ok, sure".

We all go different directions. I go to the amory and pull out a few knives and two small handguns. I put a gun in the back of my jeans with a knife in my pocket and the rest in my jacket pocket. Then I head back to the kitchen. Tony is there with Wanda and a minute later Steve comes. Tony looks around "Ready?" We all nod.

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