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Natasha POV

It's been a few months since Hydra and a long road. Leilani has her powers back after a month and a half of trying and still ends up sleeping with one of us from the nightmares. We've tried to get her back into her routine of training and school. It's hard with Tony making someone always being with her. Loki has been coming a lot more often than he usually does.

I walk to the training area and see Leilani and Clint in their space, but Leilani is sitting on the floor, and he is talking to her. I walk in "Hey". Clint looks up "Hey". "What's going on." "Lei, um. Panicked and thinks those guys are going to come back". I sit on the floor next to her. "Leilani, it's Nat." She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. And then turns her head. "No one is going to take you. I promise. Clint and I are both here." She shakes her head. Clint sits on the floor with us. "Nat's right Lei." "Look at me for a minute". She looks at me. "I'm going to tell you what my mom told me. She said pain only makes you stronger". I see Clint give me a look. "Do you use it?" Leilani asks. I nod "All the time". I get up. "Come on, you need to go learn with Tony." She stands up and so does Clint. "Ok, I'll see you later," I tell Clint as Leilani and I walk out the room.

We walk to the living room and before we go in; I kneel down at Leilani's height. I wipe the remaining tears off her face. "Tony is going to be with you while I do a few things, ok?" She nods. I stand up and we walk into the living room where Tony is waiting.

"Nat, I am on a schedule today." "I can't control time, Tony. Anyway, here she is." Leilani goes up to Tony and he looks down at her. "Hey, kid. I have something planned for you today." 

Tony POV

Nat goes somewhere, and I take Leilani to my workshop. As soon as we walk in, she stares at me. I look at her. ''I'm going to show you how to make things, Lei. However, you can't tell anyone that I'm teaching you. Ok". She smiles and nods."It's our secret. Ok kid." "Ok". She sits on a stool and looks at everything. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. lets get started". "Yes, sir". "Ready kid?". Leilani sighs. "What if I can't do it? ". "Leilani, you are a six year-old genius. You're doing school works that is double your age." She nods. I start putting things together and Leilani watches. "Try it Lei,". She starts moving things around. I watch Leilani as she plays with it for a few minutes and then starts to put things together. "What are you making Lei". She smiles at me "I don't know". I go to the other side of the room and also work on something.

As I work, I glance at Leilani now and then. From what I see, she knows what she's doing. I work on my suit and updating it and then go over to leave. "How you doing kid" "Ok." I look at what she built. "What did you build?" She shrugs "I don't know. I can make it disappear and the reappear though." "Show me" and Leilani moves her hands above the thing she built and it disappears and reappears. "How long have you been able to do that?" "A week, I think." "Does anyone else know about this?." She shakes her head. "Ok, I need to go see Pepper, but do you want to build something else again?" "Yeah, why doesn't mayday talk to me?." I give her a look. "Who is mayday." "The voice that talks." I chuckle. "Do you mean F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" I get a confused look from her and I realize that is what she meant. "Ok. Before we go find Nat, remember that she can't know you're building things, ok?" She nods. "Ok."

"Let's go find Nat."

We leave my workshop and we go upstairs to go find Nat. We find her in the living room talking to Steve. "She looks up at us "Hey, how's she doing with learning?" I nod "Good. I'll be back later". "Ok". Leilani goes to sit with them and I leave.

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