School Tours

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Tony POV

As we get into the car Leilani tries to book it and run away. I grab her "Come on, you're going". I put her in the car and Happy starts driving. Nat looks at her but doesn't say anything. We sit in silence on the way to the first school.

"Ok, we're here"Happy says and I look up. I get out of the car and Leilani get out with Natasha. "Am I good here?" Happy asks and I nod. "Ok kid, let's go". Leilani takes Nat's hand as we walk up the stairs. I open the door for them. "If she runs again you have to chase her" Nat whispers to me as she walks through it.  I walk into the front office and the secretary looks up. "You're Mr. Stark". I nod "I am and I'm here for the tour of the school." She looks at her computer "You're right on time. Your guide will be there in a minute". "Ok thanks". I leave the office and find the two of them sitting on a bench. 

Leilani looks at me "Can we go". I crouch down so I come to her level. "I know you're nervous but we're not going to leave you. We're just here to look around. Ok?" She nods taking Nat's hand. "Mr. Stark". I turn and stand up to see a woman walking towards me "I'm the vice principal and I'll be giving you, your tour". I shake hands with her and Leilani and Natasha stand up. "This is Leilani" I say introducing her. "You must be Ms. Romanoff" She say looking at Nat who is nods and shakes her hand. 

"Ok lets start the tour." The three of us follow the vice principal around the school. "So here we try to start teaching languages at an earlier age than most schools. We also have several rooms for the kids to be during lunch and before and after school." I nod. " Does Leilani know more than one language?" "Yes, she knows french and is learning russian". "What are the class sizes for her age?" "About 17 to 18 kids per a class and there are four classes" the tour guide says and Nat nods. We walk a bit more and she shows us the cafeteria and the gymnasium. 

Then we walk toward the classrooms. "Ok, so here are the second grade classrooms and further down are the third graders." We look into the classrooms "I think Leilani is doing different school work than them". I get a surprised look from our tour guide "What is she doing then, it's completely fine if she's behind." "I think she's finishing fractions and decimal". "That's work a few years ahead of her." She falls silent for a couple minutes. "How long are each of the classes and how many are there?" Nat asks. "Each class is about an hour. For the amount of classes there are between 7 and 8 a day. However, there are different classes every day and it depends what the student chooses." She nods. "Do you want to go into a class Leilani? Just to see how it is?" Leilani looks at me. "Can one of us go with her to see? I think she's a bit nervous" Nat says. "Of course". Nat goes into a classroom with Leilani and I watch from the hall. After a few minutes they come out. "Ok so the tour is mostly done." As we walk to we walk to where we began, the tour guide turns to us. "Can I talk to both of you" I nod and Leilani goes to sit on the bench. "Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Stark, you need to start looking for sixth grade classes instead of second. If it's true of what she's currently learning then she needs more advanced education." I nod "Thank you, we'll think about that" She shakes our hands "It was great meeting both of you and I hope you consider our school". "Thank you" Nat says and we turn to leave. Leilani walks down the stairs not saying anything. "Lei, what did you think?" She doesn't say anything. We follow her to the car and we get in. I get a look from Nat and stop asking questions. Happy drives us to the next school.

The second school looks a lot different than the first one. This one looks more like an old building about to collapse. "Tony I'm not sure about this". "Let's just take a look". We get out and Happy stays in the car. We walk in and the front office is right next to the door. "I'm here for a school tour" I tell the guy behind the desk. He nods "Ok, Jess will be here soon". I nod. "Tony, do we really have to do this tour? I don't think it's worth it." Nat says in a low voice. 'Let's just look". A woman comes up to us "Hi, I'm Jess you must be Mr. Stark and Ms. Romanoff". We both nod. "You must be Leilani" Jess says to Leilani, who nods. "To start off the tour we have about 700 students enrolled in this school. We have k through 8.". We walk through the school and see the basic things. "Every class here has a class pet. It gives the students a responsibility while they are here." "How many classes are there in each grade" I ask. "There are five classes per a grade and about 15 students per a class."

We walk to down a hall and then up a flight of stairs. "This is where is first and second graders are." I look at all of the art work on the walls as we walk down the hall. "We have the second graders down here. Does Leilani want to go into one of the classes to see how it is?" I turn to Leilani, who shakes her head. "Maybe not" I say and Nat nods. "Ok, that's fine." Then we walk back the way we came from. As we walk, I notice Leilani is clenching one of here hands as we walk down the hall. As we get to the front office all the phones are ringing. Jess picks one up and as she talks her face turns pale and then she hangs up. She looks at both of us "Ok, something has come up and I'm sorry to make this tour short". "It fine" Nat says. "It was nice to meet both of you and I hope you consider this school" and Jess shakes our hands. Nat and Leilani walk ahead of me and I hear Jess talk to the guy at the front desk "All the class pets on the second floor are dead. What do we do?". I sigh and continue to the car. 

Nat and Leilani are already in when I get in. "Ok Happy, take us home". He nods and pulls out of his parking spot.

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