You can't hurt me

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Loki POV

I walk into the kitchen and find Leilani and Pepper talking. I walk closer and pick up Leilani and Pepper put her stuff away in a bag. "Bye honey" Pepper says to Leilani and then she talks to me. "Leilani hasn't eaten anything for at least two meals". I nod and then Pepper leaves. "Daddy can we go outside?" I look at Leilani "Why do you want to go outside?" "To play hide and seek". I shake my head. "No hide and seek. You know that".

Leilani goes quiet for few minutes. "Daddy why haven't I been to Asgard". I have her sit on the couch so we can see each other. "You were born there and it's not safe for you there""Why can't I go?" I sigh "First Natasha would kill me if I brought you there and second the only person who could protect you isn't there anymore". She give me a look "Who?" I give her a small smile "Your grandmother""Where is she?""She died trying to fight off monsters". Leilani doesn't say anything. "She knew about you, Leilani and loved you."

I pick her up and we go to the kitchen. I set her on a stool. "What do you want for dinner?" She shakes her head. "Why aren't you eating. Pepper and Natasha said you haven't eaten in almost two days". "I'm not hungry". I look at her and notice wisps of green in her brown eyes. "Leilani, are you feeling ok?" She doesn't say anything and I continue to look at her". "Leilani" I start and then all the glass in the kitchen breaks.

As all the glass shatters, I look at Leilani who seems to have realized what happened. She jumps off the stool and tried to run away from me. I move out from behind to counter and grab her. She tries to fight me and I just hold on to her tighter. She starts screaming for me to let me go and starts thrashing around in my arms. "Leilani calm down. It's ok". She continues to scream and try to get out of my arms and all the glass doors shatter and the stools go flying. I tighten my grip on her shoulders. I hold her hoping she calms down.

After a while Leilani's screams turn into sobs and she slowly stops fighting me. I hold her "It's ok. It's ok". As she stops fighting me her body starts to shake. "It's ok, you're ok". I say and keep on repeating. Her body slowly stops shaking to when she's only crying. I loosen my grip on her. "It's ok, it's ok". She puts her hands around my neck and sobs. "It's ok Leilani" I say softly. I look at the kitchen. Every piece of glass is shattered.

Leilani slowly stops crying and looks at me. "I'm sorry daddy". I wipe the remaining falling tears off her face "You can't hurt me, my dear". I pick her up and brush some glass off the counter and set Leilani on it. I look at her tear stained face and puffy eyes. "You're ok" I say trying to keep her calm. "I broke everything" Leilani says and tears form in her eyes. "I know. I can fix it". I motion my hands towards the glass and the glass fixes itself.

I look at Leilani "What's going on with you?" She doesn't look at me. "I don't want to break everything" she says quietly. "I know. It won't always be like this. You just need practice". "For my powers?" I nod "Yes, I know it's scary but will practice you can control them." "Daddy are Nat and Tony afraid of me?" I shake my head "They're not afraid of you. We all don't know about your powers and are trying to be cautious." Leilani finally looks at me and I give her a small smile. "Can ask some questions now?" She nods. "Whats going on in your head before everything breaks?" There is some silence. "It's all blurry and then things breaks and sometimes it's all black". I nod "Why haven't you eaten?" She shrugs "I'm just not hungry". I give her a look . She doesn't say anything and I pick her up "Lets get you to bed". "She put her head on my shoulder

I walk to the elevator and she falls asleep in my arms. I ride the elevator up to the floor her room is on and walk to her room.

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