Greenish Eyes

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Tony POV

"Ok lets go". I pick Leilani up in her blanket and follow Nat to the elevator. I look at Leilani and she has blood all around her mouth and tears in her eyes. "I know Lei, you're ok". The elevator opens and Nat and I walk out. She pushes the doors open and I follow with Leilani. After about five doors later, we finally get to the lab. "F.R.I.D.A.Y opens the door to the lab" and the door unlocks. Nat hold it open and I walk in with Leilani. Bruce looks up. "We need your help" Nat says. "Yeah, ok, you can put her on the table". I set Leilani on the table and Bruce comes over. "What's going on with her". "We don't know. We think she's sick". He looks confused "Aren't kids supposed to get sick". "Yes but, Leilani is different. "How?""She's Loki's daughter and she's immune like he is" Nat explains. Bruce comes over to Leilani. "I'm Bruce. Do remember me from a few months ago". She shakes her head. "I'm going to do a couple things ok Leilani". He takes her temperature "112.5". I look at Nat. "Is that blood around her mouth?" "Yes, she was coughing up blood". Bruce touches Leilani's neck to get a pulse and she flinches away. Bruce looks at Nat. "She said her body was hurting and I guess it got worse". She says. He nods "Ok, I just need to fill a few things. How old is she?" "She turned six a couple months ago" I tell him.

Nat comes over and sits. I get up on the table with Leilani so I can sit with her better. Nat reaches to Leilani and wipes the tears off her face. "How does her head feel". I touch it "Really warm". "Tony her eyes aren't the same color. One is greener than the other". I look at Leilani's eyes. "No, only one is green right now". "What?" Nat stands up to get a better look at her. "It wasn't like that earlier". "Mr. Stark, Loki is on the deck" F.R.I.D.A.Y announces. "I can go get him" Natasha says. "Ok." Then she gets up and leaves. I look at Leilani. She has tears in her eyes. "We're gonna get you better kid. I promise". The I pull the hair out of her face. Bruce comes over "So what I can do is start with her coughing up blood " I nod "That one seems most important" "I need to look at her throat Tony." I sigh. "Ok. Lei you need to hold still while Bruce looks down your throat ok?" She nods. "Ok you can do it." Bruce has Leilani open her mouth and looks at her throat. Once he's done he looks at me "I don't see anything abnormal. Did Natasha wipe her mouth?" "Yeah". Bruce goes into the trash and pulls out the tissue. He looks at me "I need this. I'll be back in a few minutes". I look at Leilani and I can feel her head getting warmer. Through the window I see Nat and Loki coming towards the door and then they come in.

They both walk over to me. "Is she still the same?" Nat asks. "No, her head is getting warmer". Loki looks at Leilani. "Do you know what's happening to her?" I ask him. "No, I've never seen this". Then he looks at Leilani's eyes. "Only one of her eyes is barely green".

Bruce comes back. "I couldn't find anything". "Will you give her something for her pain?" I ask him. "I don't know what to give her". Loki turns to Bruce. "Most things aren't going to work for her." "Loki. In my lab. Ok, I'll see what I have". Bruce says and then leaves again. Loki looks down at Leilani again. He feels her head. "It will get figured out, my dear" he tells Leilani. "I need to go call Pepper about a meeting later. Can one of you switch places with me?" Loki and I switch and I go into the hall to make a phone call.

Loki POV

I sit with Leilani on this weird table. With her leaning on me I can feel how warm her head is. "Did anything else happen after I left last night?" I ask Natasha. "Yes, she had a nightmare in the middle of the night and was screaming. Tony and I were able to wake her up. She never told us about it though." I nod. Leilani moves around a little bit. Natasha looks at her from where she's sitting "Do you want something to drink or maybe eat honey?" She shakes her head "My body hurts". "I know. Bruce is trying to do something about it". I touch Leilani's arm and I can see how how much pain she's in. "I think something is wrong with her powers" I say. Natasha looks up at me. "What? Can that even happen?" "I didn't think so until now". "Can you do something?" "I think so" I tell Natasha. I put my hand on Leilani's arm and I try to heal Leilani.

I do it for a minute or two and then I stop. "Did it do anything". Natasha stands up "One of her eyes is green again. I think whatever you did, did something". Leilani moves around a little bit more. "How do you feel, my dear?" She doesn't say anything. Tony comes back into the room. "Has anything happened?" "Loki is trying to heal Leilani. We think there is something wrong with her powers." He nods "Ok".

Bruce walks in again."Ok, question for all of you. Needle or no needle". "No needle" Tony and Natasha say at the same time. Then he leaves again. "Loki try to do it again". I nod and I try to heal Leilani. This time I do it for about five minutes.

I stop and look at Natasha who stands up and looks at Leilani. "Both her eyes are green". I feel her head. "Her head is a lot cooler right now.""How do you feel Lei" Tony asks. "My body hurts." "The same or less?" "Less but it still hurts". Tony nods. "Ok, I'll go tell Bruce". "She was coughing up blood earlier, it's fine now right?" I nod "If I was able to give her magic back, she should be able to heal herself." I stand up and look at Leilani. "You look a lot better". Natasha nods. "How do we prevent this from happening again?" I sigh "I think when she over uses her powers, it drains them. So when she loses control like last night, it happens. I don't think she'll be able to use her powers for a couple days though. So at the least it won't be a problem." "Ok, I'll also let Tony know".

Tony and Bruce come back "Ok, the best I could do is liquid adult tylenol for the pain". Bruce comes over and hands the cup to Leilani "You just need to drink it". She takes it and drinks it. "Ok so Tony told me that Leilani is mostly fine now." Natasha nods. "I would just have her take it really easy the next few days" She nods again. "Other than that she can go to bed". "Ok, lets go upstairs." I pick Leilani up and follow Nat and Tony to the elevator.

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