My princess

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Loki POV

I watch Leilani sleep and think about when I met her for the first time..

I had just stolen the tesseract and  Thor was bringing me back to Asgard to deal with Odin rules and my punishment  for it. We got to Asgard and went to where Thor was supposed to leave, Mother stopped him and said she would take it from here. Thor left and Mother took me in a different direction. She took off  the thing that was covering my mouth. She took me to a part of the palace I had never been before. As we walked she began talking "While you were gone something happened that involves you". I looked at her weirdly as we stopped at a door. Mother took the handcuffs off  "You won't be needing these". Then she pushed the door open.

Inside the room was a crib. Mother come in a walks to the crib. "Come over here" . I walked over to the crib and inside was a baby. I looked at Mother "Why am I looking at this baby?" She sighs "Loki dear, this is your daughter ". I stared at her "What?" . Mother starts talking again "While you were in Midgard, one of  the guards found a baby on the steps somewhere. Odin wasn't here so they brought the baby to me. She was wrapped in a blanket with this letter". Mother hands me a letter and I read it. 

To whoever read this letter at the palace,

This baby is a Loki's. I don't want her and I don't want anything to do with her. I'm not going to tell you my name and the baby might be dead, if your reading this. I left her here because one of you may find her.

I look at Mother "Where did they find her?" "By the water at night" "So she was left to die?" "Yes, Loki". Mother picks the baby up. "Hold her Loki, she is yours." I stare at her and she responded with handing me the baby. I look at her in my arms as she smiles up at me. "Why doesn't Odin know"I ask curiously. "He wouldn't approve of it. He would have her killed. After the guards brought her to me, I made sure he didn't find out." I look at Mother "You've hidden her this whole time". She nods yes. "How old is she". "She's about one. Every six months you spend on Midgard is a year here. You've been on Midgard for at least a 6 months " "What do I do with her?" "I don't know yet. Sooner or later she'll start talking an walking. I'll be back in a few minutes and bring Thor here". "Why are you bringing him here". "Maybe he knows where we can have her be". "Ok"

While Mother is gone is look at the baby in my arms. She's got black hair and dark eyes. I touch her leg and it starts to turn blue and then fades away. I look at her and say softly "You are my princess" and I slowly rock her in my arms. 

Mother comes in with Thor, who just stares at me. Mother explains everything to Thor. "Why didn't you tell me about her earlier" Thor asks Mother. "It's Loki's child". Thor walks over to me and looks at the baby. "She looks a lot like you". "We need to find a place for her to be". Thor looks at Mother. "I might know a place but you aren't going to like it Loki" "What is it?" I ask. "On Midgard with the Avengers. It will be safe there and Father won't find her". I don't say anything for a few minutes"There are no other choices" I ask. Mother shake her head. I look at Thor "Ok". Thor nods "I should probably sort all of that out". He leaves and I look at Mother. "I need to do a few things but I'll be back". "What do I do until then". "Take care of her and bond with her. She is your's after all". I nod.  Mother pauses before leaving "Have you thought of a name for her yet?"  "Yes, Leilani". She looks at the baby "It means royal blood" "I don't want her to forget who she is". Mother starts to leaves "With you Loki, she never will".

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