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Natasha POV

"Nat" I look up at Tony. "He's won't be here in time". I look at Leilani in my arms. "Ok, so we have to do it". He nods. "We have to". "Wait, we have some time. Please try to find him or Thor. We know he'll come as soon as he's told". Tony hesitates "Nat, he's not going to be here in time". I turn to Bruce "How much time do we have left". He looks at his watch "Five minutes". "Nat, it's not possible". I look at Tony. "Loki can make her not feel pain. When Bruce does it, it will hurt almost as much as when they branded her." Tony sighs "Ok, I'll try again. I don't know if it will work though."

Tony leaves and I look at Leilani in my arms. I look at Bruce "How long do you have to do it for?' "I don't know. I depends on how deep the burn is. There's not much time left." I nod "Ok". Tony comes back into the room. "No one is here that can speed things up". He walks over to Leilani and then looks at the floor. Bruce stands up "I need to do it now guys". I look at Tony and he looks at Leilani. "Nat you might want to get of the table". "Ok", I get off the table and go over to Tony. "Hey, what's going on". He sighs "I tried. I tried to find him and couldn't do it". I don't say anything. "Guys, I need to do this". We walk over back to Leilani.  "Ok, I need you each to hold one of her arms down. I go to the side that's closets to the burn and Tony take the other arm. Bruce tries to clean the burn "It's too deep. I need to work though it with saline". Tony nods ok.  

Bruce put some on the burn and Leilani starts moving. He continues to work while she starts moving more. "Nat, I need her to be still". I look at Leilani who is now fully awake. "Lei, look at me for a minute". She turns her head to the side. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. Bruce does something and she yelps in pain. "Hey, just focus on me ok". She slowly nods her head. "Tony is on your other side ok. We're both here." I look at Bruce as he gets more saline and goes back to the burn. Leilani start moving again and Bruce looks at me "I know, I know Bruce. I'll keep her still". Bruce continues. I look at Leilani "Just focus on me". "Make it stop" she says looking at me with tears rolling down her face. I don't say anything and look at the floor. 

After a couple minutes Bruce looks at us. "This might hurt". Tony says ok. As Bruce does that, I look at Leilani. She's crying and then starts screaming. "What are you doing to her" Tony says. "Cleaning her deep burn". Tony and I stand up to hold her arms down more so she doesn't get up."Stop, stop. Please stop" Leilani screams. "Leilani, honey. Bruce needs to do this. ". She shakes her head at me."Make it stop. Stop. Please stop" she screams. I look up at Tony, who starts to say something and then Leilani lets out bloodcurling screams. Tony looks at the ground. "How much longer" I ask Bruce. "At least a few more minutes". I try to calm Leilani down. "Lei, honey look at me or Tony". She looks at me sobbing. Her eyes widen as Bruce touches a certain part of the burn and starts screaming again. I look over at Tony, who is still looking at the ground.

After a few minutes, Bruce looks up "I'm almost done. I need to cover the burn with and put burn cream for now." "Ok" I say and look at Leilani. She's still sobbing and her body is shaking. Bruce puts a bandage on her chest and looks at me "She's a tough six year old". I nod and look over at Tony. He's still staring at the ground. "Ok, she's all good" Bruce says as he finishes putting the bandage on. Find me if you need me". I nod "Ok".  I sit back on the table and hold Leilani in my arms as she sobs and shakes. She grabs on tight to my arm. Tony looks up and takes Leilani's other hand. "You did the hard part kid." Bruce comes back with a blanket and hands it to me then leaves again. I wrap it around Leilani. 

Tony looks at me "She's not letting go" nodding to her grasp on me. "Yeah". He looks around the room and then stands up. "I'll be back in a second". "Where are you going?" "I'll be back Nat". He says and gets up and leaves the room. I look down at Leilani. "You're ok, Lei". I tell her as I try to calm her down. I move a little bit so I can fully look at her. She's still crying and still shaking. I bet Tony didn't want to see her like this. I don't. "Nat". I look back at Leilani "Hey, sweetie". "It hurts Nat" she saying sobbing. I pull her hair out of her face "I know. I know honey". 

Tony comes back a few minutes later. He comes in hold Leilani's blanket. He hands it to me and I wrap it around her. He sits back down. "You went to get that?" I ask. He nods "Yes and and other things". I nod as Bruce comes back into the room. "Guys, I have to do something you won't like". We both look at him. "I need to give Leilani antibiotics and it needs to be done through an IV". "Why does it need to be done that way?"Leilani doesn't have any of her powers. With the burn that deep, she will go into toxic shock. She's little. I don't think her body will handle it". I look at Bruce. "Do we have to?" He nods. I look at Tony "We have to Tony." "We don't know how she'll do with needles." "I know but, she only kind of knows what's going on right now". "Do we have to do it now" Tony asks. Bruce nods. "Ok" Tony says and Bruce gets ready to put the IV in. 

I look at Leilani and Tony. Bruce comes over "I need to put in her hand". He takes Leilani's only free hand and pulls out the first needle. He looks me and Tony "Ready". We nod. As he puts it in I hold my breath looking at Leilani. Leilani starts moving around. "OK. Now the second one and then that part is over". Bruce starts to put the second needle in and Leilani moves her hand. "I need her still". Tony grabs her wrist. "Lei, look at me. Look at me. Ignore Bruce completely." Tony says trying to get Leilani's attention. She looks at him crying.  "Ok, done" Bruce says looking at Leilani. "You're going to be ok, kid". 

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