What's a private school?

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A few days later...

Natasha POV

"Nat". I look at Tony. "Loki's here and waiting". I nod "Ok". We walk to the balcony and Loki is there. "Are you sure she can do this?" Loki asks. "No but, Tony selected a couple private schools for today." He stare at both of us "What's a private school". "How did you and Thor learn anything?" Tony asks. Loki ignores him. "We are going to look at a couple schools and see how she does". Loki nods "What is something happens again?" Tony sighs "We hope it doesn't but both of us will be there." "Her name has your names?" I nod. "Does she know about this?" "No, Nat and I were kind of hoping you would tell her". Loki nods slowly "How long does she have?" Tony checks his watch "About 2 hours till we have to be there". "Ok, so when do you want me to tell her?" "Now, she just finished training a couple minutes ago" 

We go downstairs and see Leilani talking to Steve. She sees Loki and comes running to him. Steve walks up to me "She was fine today" "Ok, thanks" and he leaves. We walk to the living room and sit down. "Leilani, the three of us need to talk to you about something". Loki says. She stares at the floor. "Nat and I are going to take you to a couple schools today" Tony says. She shakes her head "No". Loki sighs "You are going Leilani". "No" "Tony and I aren't going to leave you like last time. We're just going to look and see if you like any of the places we go". Leilani looks up at Loki. "Why?" "Because we think it could be given a try". "Why can't you go". Loki looks at the ground "I trust Natasha and Tony. And you might like this. I'll be here when you get back". She nods. Tony stands up "Ok, Leilani you need to change and maybe shower. Nat and I also need to change." Then he leaves while yelling "You need to be back here in an hour". 

I look at Leilani "Why don't you start up without us and one of us will come up in a minute". "Ok". Then I turn to Loki "You eventually will need to come up with a better answer." "I don't know what you mean". "Eventually she will find out who her dad is" He sighs "I know but, she needs to be older for that and I'm sure you're doing the same thing". I look down at the floor "She doesn't need to now but, yes in a few years we may talk about it". He nod "Ok". "I think you should go up though. She's happy you're here." "Ok I'll go up" "Her clothes are on her bed" He nods and starts to head towards the elevator.

I wait a few minutes and then head up to my room. I pass Leilani's room and see Loki trying to get her to wear her clothes. I head into my room and pull out a dress and some heels to put on. As I get dressed I hear Leilani and Loki go to the elevator. I get dressed and go downstairs. I walk into the living room and everyone is there. Tony looks at his watch"Just in time Nat". I look at Leilani who is pulling on her dress. I look at Tony "Ready?" He nods and buttons his blazer. Loki looks at Leilani "Ready" and she nods.

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