Glass walls

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Loki POV 

I go to the Avengers Tower later that night and walk into the living to hear Leilani and Natasha having an argument. I walk into the kitchen and see Leilani on a stool and Natasha on the other side of the counter. They both look at me when I walk in. "What's going on?" I ask looking at Natasha. She sighs "Leilani needs to eat. She's eaten nothing all day and has had two training sessions." "Why won't you eat, my dear". Leilani doesn't say anything. "I've tried everything" Natasha says "I'm out of ideas". Tony comes into the kitchen. "What's going on?" Natasha fills him in. "Ok, Leilani please eat and Nat, we're waiting for you. She nods "Ok Loki, everything else has been done but eating in bed. She showered and Tony and I will be here two floor below her floor for a meeting". I nod "OK". "Goodnight Lei" Natasha says and kiss's her on her head and then they both leave. 

I sit on the stool next to her. "Are you going to tell me about earlier". "Why?" "Because you haven't told me about it." She looks at me "I didn't like it" "Ok, why didn't you like it?" "I don't know." I pull the hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. "Will you tell me why you aren't eating?" "I'm not hungry". "You need to eat at some point". "What do you eat on Asgard". I pause for a minute "We eat a lot of meat". Leilani makes a face. "When was the last time you had grapes?" I ask looking at her. "I don't know". "Do you want to try eating some grapes". Leilani just stares at me then finally speaks "Ok" "What color do you want" "Green". I go into the fridge and get green grapes and give them to Leilani. "Eat at least five and then we can go upstairs". She nods and then eats one. "I heard you had another training session after I left earlier." "Yeah". "What did you do?". "It was with Clint. Some sort of fighting thing I think." I notice Leilani has eaten most of the grapes. "Daddy" I look at her. "Can I be done?" "Yeah" I say looking at the empty bowl. She get up and I put the bowl in the sink. "Let's go upstairs".

We get in the elevator and Leilani pushes the button. The door opens and we walk to her room. She goes into the bathroom to brush her teeth and I sit on her bed. She comes out and sit on her bed next to me. "Can you read the book?" I nod and then notice one of her eyes is greener than the other. "Leilani, is there something on your mind?" She shakes her head. I pause on summoning the book for the moment. "What's in your head?". She shakes her her head again. I notice a look of fear in her eyes and then the cup to her glass of water shatters. I turn to deal with the glass and in the corner of my eye I see Leilani bolt out the door. 

I run after her and grab her. She screams and tries to fight me. "Let go of me. Let go". The harder she fights the tighter I hold her. She screams again and a green mist appears as the inner glass wall shatters. "Lei, it's ok. You're ok". She continues to scream and starts crying. "Let go of me. Let go of me". I hear different parts if the wall further down the hall start to shatter. "You're ok. You're going to be ok". I say trying to calm her down. "Lei, it's ok. It's ok". I hear footsteps and look up to see Natasha and Tony. They both don't say anything or move and just watch me. "Let me go" Leilani screams while mostly crying at this point. I just hold her in my arm slowly rocking her from the floor. Leilani eventually stops screaming and sobs in my arms. "You're ok" I tell her as I slowly loosen my grip on her. Then her body starts to shake so I tighten my grip on her a little bit. "You're ok Leilani" I tell her. The green mist appears again and a couple doors fly off the hinges. One comes flying toward us and I snap my fingers and it vanishes. I look at Leilani who is still crying but, not shaking. "It's ok" I tell her. I loosen my grip on her and she looks at me. She's still crying and on her face are a couple scratches from the glass. I hold her in my arms as she sobs. 

Natasha and Tony get closer. "What just happened" Tony say quietly.  "Let's wait till she's fully calmed down to talk about this" Natasha says. He nods. Leilani has stopped crying and is being really still. I look at her and she looks up at me. I stand and pick her up. I carry her to her room and set her on her bed. "You need some sleep, my dear". She shakes her head. "Nothing will happen while you sleep, Tony and Natasha will be here".  She looks at her blankets. "I'll be here in the morning when you get up". I tuck her in and fix the broken water glass on the floor. 

I walk into the hall and find Tony and Natasha waiting for me. "What was that" Tony asks. "She's losing control again" I say as I slowly fix the glass walls. "How do you know?". I sigh "The same thing happened before a couple years ago. Did she seem off at any point today?" Tony shakes his head and Natasha looks at me "She said something earlier about her head being blurry or dark. Something like that." I nod "The same thing happened last time." "What do we do?" Natasha asks. "Aren't you supposed to be teaching her how to control it" Tony says. "She continues her training. I'm teaching her how to try to control it. Her powers are different from mine and I don't know what she's fully capable of. She's afraid of her powers in a way because she can't fully control them yet. I think that she becomes more scared when she looses control. From what I've seen she usually breaks something and then looses control." "So you just grab her and hold her when she looses control?" Natasha asks. "Yeah" and she nods.  "I'll be back in the morning to check on her". They both nod as I leave.

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