She's human for now

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Natasha POV

A couple hours pass, and Leilani is somehow still crying. I don't blame her at all. It's about 8:30 or 9 right now at night. She still hasn't let go of me. I look at Tony, who's talking to Pepper on the phone. He's just telling her about Leilani now I guess. He hangs up and looks at us "Pepper said she'll come in the morning". I nod "Ok". He sits back down and looks at Leilani. "Lei, do you want something to eat. It can be anything you want". She doesn't say anything. He feels her forehead "She's burning up. Even with whatever Bruce gave her didn't do the trick." "She has no powers Tony, she can't heal or do anything she usually can." "She's in a lot pain Nat. I can't do anything to fix it. We can't do anything to fix it". He gets up and starts pacing. I sigh and look at the floor. "I know we can't Tony". Leilani moves and little bit and I turn back to her.

She looks nothing like herself anymore. Her eyes are pink and puffy and her face has tear streaks as she keeps on crying. Bruce took out all the needles in her hand an hour ago and put tape and gauze on it. And on her chest can see where burn is even through all the bandages and her skin is red all around it. "Honey, can you try to eat something" I ask her. She shakes her head. "Ok". I look over at Tony as he walks back and forth. "Tony, come sit down". He stops to stare at me and I give him a look. He sits back down. "Kid, let's try to eat something". She shakes her head. I wipe her face again as tears continue to fall down her face. "I think Leilani not moving is better for her with all the pain already. If she moves a little bit so does the burn" Tony says and I nod. "Mr. Stark, something is on the balcony" F.R.I.D.A.Y announces. I look at Tony. "What's on the balcony?" He shrugs "I have no idea". We sit in silence for a minutes till I break it. "Could it be Loki?" "I don't know. Possibly". "Why don't you go check?" "Why don't you go?" I sigh "Leilani hasn't let go of me in a few hours". Tony sighs and leaves.

It takes awhile for Tony to come back. He eventually come back 10 or 15 minutes later with Loki. Neither of them look happy which isn't good at all. They walk in and Tony sits back in his seat. "What happened to my daughter?" Loki says walking closer to us. "Someone grabbed her from the entrance that goes directly to the street. They brought her somewhere and wanted to do tests or something on her. The branded her with their symbol and we got there before they could do anything else to her" I say as calmly as I can while looking at the floor. "When did this happen" Loki asks. "This morning" Tony says. Loki walks closer to us and looks at Leilani. "Is she in any pain" he asks. Tony doesn't say anything. "Yes, a lot. We don't know how much though" I tell him. He nods and brushes the hair out of Leilani's face. I feel her loosen her grip on me. I pull my arm out and look at Tony. "How long has it been" he asks. "Three hours at least." I look at Loki "Do you want to sit with her? Tony and I have been here the entire time". He nods and Tony gets up and Loki and I switch places. "We'll be back soon. Ok?" Loki nods.

Loki POV

I watch Natasha and Tony leave then turn all my attention to Leilani. She looks at me crying. "I'm going to try my best to make it hurts less" I tell her and I put my hand on her arm. I need to try to heal her. She can't be in this much pain. I wipe her tears and I can tell that something is working because the look in her eyes has changed. Leilani is still crying, just not as hard. I hold her in my arms. She's only six and I can see where the burn is from all the bandages on her chest. I wipe more of her tears. "I'm here, my dear. I'm not leaving". She holds onto me tightly. I kiss the top of her head. She sobs in my arms. I try to heal her again but it's not working like it's supposed to. "'Daddy, make it stop" Leilani sobs. I sigh. Leilani is basically a human and I can't do anything right now. Leilani is all I have and I don't want to see her like this. "Lei, it's going to be ok". She keeps on sobbing my name and I can't do anything for her. After a while she starts to calm down more. Her shaking slowly stops and her body stops moving. "Leilani?" I look at her and she's slowly falling asleep in my arms. I kiss the top of her head. "Sleep well my princess".

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