Chapter 13 - Terms and Conditions

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Pomni had won.

Pomni had won?

Well, she considered Gangle the true victor of the Pie-rena, but she had been disqualified by a condition she didn't really understand. Then again, arguing with Caine was not a priority for her. As she gathered her breath, Pomni climbed over the exterior barriers of the Pie-rena and joined up with the group again. Ragatha shot an encouraging thumbs up her way while Y/N taunted Jax.

Caine - "Well well well Pomni, you have successfully become champion of the Pie-rena! Please come with me and we can discuss your prize!"

A nearby door appeared and then opened before Pomni was flung through it, landing in a blank white room with no texture. It almost reminded her of the Void, but you could see the thick dark border of the walls. Caine flew in after Pomni, slamming the door shut and smiling (?) widely at her. It was hard to truly read Caine's expressions as he lacked most of what made up a face, but the jaw seemed to function as eyebrows, the tongue seemed to be useless, and the eyes swapped in size whenever he turned from one direction to another.

Caine - "Congratulations again to you Pomni! Not many people have bested the Pie-rena before, let alone a newcomer."

Pomni - "Well Y/N helped a lot, a-and I didn't really do... anything?"

Caine - "We needn't worry about the specifics, what matters is that you were the last one standing! Now..."

Caine flipped his hat into an open hand and withdrew a golden lamp from within. His lower half seemed to be sucked into the nozzle as he smiled (again,?) at Pomni.

Caine - "You have a single wish! Wish wisely!"

Pomni - "Wait, so how does this work?"

Caine - "It's a wish. You wish for anything, and I grant it-"


Caine - "... so long as I am able to."

Pomni - "A-Are you not able... to?"

Caine - "No."

Right. Welp.

What would be useful? Something to better Y/N and her investigation-

Well, it didn't have to involve Y/N, did it?

No, it definitely did. Surely she could find some sort of way to help their search for a way out of here. Just asking for the exit clearly wasn't on the table, so maybe there was a workaround.

Pomni - "W-What are the restrictions of this place?"

Caine - "Restrictions?"

Pomni - "Yeah, Y/N mentioned something about your TOS."

Caine - "The Amazing Digital Circus' Amazing Terms and Conditions?! I'm glad you asked!"

The genie image disappeared as Caine summoned an ancient scroll of some sort into his hands. It unfurled and rolled along the floor to comedic length. At illegible and ungodly speed Caine began reciting the scroll in full.

Caine - "Here in the Amazing Digital Circus, no staff member or ringmaster is responsible for attending to, acknowledging or providing the following: pain, injury, dismemberment, activity, death, abstraction, medical needs or struggles, suffering, agony, disease, angel food cake, horror, adventure, danger or wonder. By accepting these terms and conditions you are hereby acknowledging that your actions may not breach Digital Circus user license agreement, and that your actions may not include objectionable content. Objectionable content includes but is not limited to sexually explicit materials, obscene, defamatory, libellous, slanderous, violent, and/or unlawful content or profanity-"

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now