Chapter 12 - Food Fight

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As soon as the timer reached zero, a hurried scuffling of feet erupted from around the arena.

Y/N jumped out from behind the block, sprinting over to the central table and locking eyes with whoever else was trying, in vain, to do the same. Jax, Ragatha and Zooble were all rushing as fast as they could, Jax an eccentric sprint, Ragatha a confident charge and Zooble a lopsided shuffle. Y/N grew a few sets of arms and extended them over to the table, grabbing two pies before anyone had even reached it. Jax saw this and tutted aloud, hopping onto Ragatha's back and using her as a glorified springboard.

Jax - "Thanks for the boost, Dollface~!"


Jax landed atop the table and spun a collection of pies into his hands. Seeing Jax's eyes then dart over to him, Y/N slid the few pies he collected back to Pomni and focused on dodging. Good thing he did too as Jax began his onslaught; at first two, but soon an uncountable amount of food was flung in Y/N's direction. Weaving like an acrobat, Y/N dove towards a nearby archway and used it as cover. This seemed to work as the splatting stopped, overtaken by squabbling between Jax and Zooble.

Zooble - "Stop moving so much!"

Jax - "What? Can't hear you!"

Zooble - "I know you can!"

Y/N smirked a bit at their banter before rapid footsteps brought him out of the moment. Ragatha had launched herself over to Y/N, a pie ready in her hand and a smirk on her face.

Ragatha - "Sorry not sorry!"

Before Y/N could react he felt a pair of hands yank him backwards. Pomni slid in front of Y/N and lightly pushed Ragatha onto the floor. Where had she even come from?

Pomni - "S-Sorry!"

Y/N grabbed and tossed Ragatha back into Jax and Zooble with one of his extended arms. Then with his main two arms, he grabbed Pomni and threw her over his shoulder, charging back to their original spot and setting her down before assessing the situation.

Ragatha and Jax were attempting to take down Zooble, who was screaming many censored profanities to wherever Kinger was hiding. Gangle was also suspiciously missing. Caine and Bubble were watching very intensely from above.

Pomni - "W-Why are we taking this so seriously?!"

Y/N - "Well like I said, we can ask a favour of Caine, and that favour can kinda be anything within reason. Plus it's very cathartic to throw stuff in people's faces."

Y/N grinned at Pomni before grabbing one of the pies laying in front of them and handing the other one to Pomni.

Y/N - "Remember the plan; overwhelm, divide and conquer. This is war."

Pomni - "... I'm genuinely lost for words."

Y/N - "Don't be."

Pomni - "Okay: this is insanity!"

Y/N - "I know! Here we go!"

Y/N scooped Pomni onto his shoulders and charged out from behind the block. His pie was extended by one of his hands over towards Ragatha before slamming into her face. One down. Pomni, through her uncertain screaming, had managed a decent arc with her pie into Zooble's torso. The minute the crust contacted the skin both of them were teleported out of the arena with a snap of Caine's fingers. His eyes stayed fixed on the match. Like he was scanning everyone. Huh.

Caine - "An unfortunate loss, better luck next time you two!"

Zooble - "... whatever."

Jax had sprinted around a corner with cartoonish speed and disappeared, leaving the arena in an uncomfortable silence. Left in the middle, Y/N walked over to the table and jumped up on top of it.

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now