Chapter 32 - The High Horse

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How long had it been? Hours? Days? Y/N was sick of asking that question.

When one is bleeding rather intensely in the middle of a sugary wasteland, reality starts to become a bit warped and things start to get to your head. Less than savoury thoughts, in Y/N's instance. Mentally snapping at his friends, claiming he was superior to others. It was a low moment. Yet, evermore frustratingly, it was a moment that refused to leave Y/N's mind.

It seemed that being humbled so intensely had started to infect Y/N's mind a little. As much as it upset him to hear, maybe Jax was onto something about being like Caine. What if Y/N could take control into his hands? Come to think about it, this struggle for power and control had been a slowly building snowball.

First, Kaufmo abstracted.

Then they began unveiling Caine's plot.

Then they discovered they were lied to about the abstractions.

Then Gangle almost abstracted.

Then Y/N was kidnapped and left for dead by Caine.

And now, Y/N had been left for dead yet again, but this time by his loved ones.

And of course in came that dilemma. Deep down Y/N knew they didn't leave him for dead. Are you kidding me? Look at the situation they were in; two tankers flooring it through rocky terrain next to a canyon, Y/N and Pomni holding on for dear life on opposing vehicles, Jax belong of no help whatsoever. Not a single person had control in that chase, so no one is to blame for Y/N to have fallen off...

But... surely they would've caught up by now, right? Unless something bad happened. What about Pomni? Was she alright?

Y/N had been falling in and out of consciousness for a good while, crawling back towards the kingdom with each sudden burst of adrenaline, but this was mostly a task in vain. They had driven for a couple of miles, there was no way Y/N could get back to the kingdom gates and find help. Despite this, it seemed that help from anywhere else wasn't an option, so onwards Y/N crawled. His ribs were still burning, the bleeding was still going (although a bit slower now, thankfully), and his head was killing him. Who would've known that getting sandwiched between two speeding trucks would hurt so badly?

A sudden noise in the distance caught Y/N's attention. With a quick look, he saw an incoming shape, accented by a small soft pitter-patter of footsteps and the flowing of a dress. Had Ragatha come running back? In the wrong direction, no less. But no; it was the princess. She knelt down next to Y/N and spoke even softer than her footfalls.

Loolilalu - "Oh goodness, good knight! You seem to be injured - quickly, we can make it back to the kingdom if we-"

Y/N - "Don't."

What was she doing here?

Caine must have sent her. Her AI must be bugging, or, or, maybe this is some elaborate prank? Every excuse under the digital sun flashed through Y/N's mind to try and explain her appearance.

Loolilalu - "Please, I insist. Our guard spotted you crawling and injured, I rushed to collect you. You can rest within the kingdom walls until your friends return."

She held out a hand that Y/N promptly swatted away.

Y/N - "D-Don't touch me!"

Loolilalu - "... good knight? What's wrong?"

Y/N - "I... I d-don't need your help. I'll crawl back if I have to. I won't be reduced to... t-to this. Being helped by... you. By you!"

Y/N tried to stand up but yelled in pain, clutching his side and collapsing back onto the sand. There was no way he'd let an NPC help him. They were upsetting enough as it is. If Loo tried to be helpful and kind, tried to be human, it would only make losing her worse.

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now