Chapter 20 - Hairbrush

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Pomni was shaped like a friend.

Y/N had been thinking about Pomni quite a bit recently, and he had finally landed on the shape of Pomni. Her outline, how she held herself, how she walked and how she presented herself to him. Let's start at the head; very round, cherubic and symmetrical. It was probably the largest part of her digital form. As always, Y/N was drawn to her eyes. Call it cliché but they reminded him of brilliant gemstones; a daring dance between rubies and sapphires that shone at all the right angles. Then her tiny little mouth that always curled into a cute smile, her wonderful messy hair that curled around the chin, her smooth pale skin. She managed to smell like a soft bubble gum, but you weren't able to wash in the Amazing Digital Circus which raised a new myriad of questions. Did everyone have a scent baked into them? What was Y/N's scent? He hadn't gone around sniffing everyone, but when cuddling with Pomni she would often worm her head into his chest and, in turn, her hair over his face.

Her body was skinny and lanky, almost cartoonish and comedic in proportions, but it worked because of how short she was. She was definitely the shortest member of the circus, and probably reached only slightly above Y/N's stomach on a good day. Then again Y/N was one of the taller ones, but still. Her frame made her all the more innocent and cute to Y/N. And then she would shuffle nervously with endless intrigue, as if she was relearning how to be a human every couple of minutes. Adorable didn't do it justice. Not a single word in any lexicon could.

This led Y/N to the ultimate conclusion; Pomni was shaped like a friend. There was no way that Pomni could be any sort of intimidating to Y/N. She just couldn't. Even if she were holding a knife, screaming and dashing towards him at a breakneck pace, she'd be precious while doing it. But then this raised another dilemma, the very dilemma Y/N had been quarrelling with for the past good while and was now properly considering while lying in bed with the woman herself.

Does he want her to be more than a friend?

Ever since Pomni had first patched up his wounds, Y/N had been going back and forth on these feelings, dipping his toes in and out of denial and acceptance. Usually, Y/N would hate any sort of pity from anyone, but it felt different coming from Pomni. Pity felt like care.

Then came their first outing where they held hands. It was actually surprisingly fun getting lost in that office space with Pomni. She made for good company.

Then Ragatha insisted that there was something going on between the two of them. It floored Y/N initially, but maybe it was less so the stretch of the suggestion and more so the accuracy. How had Ragatha managed to guess that there was a thing happening? That is to say if there even is a thing happening.

Then Pomni won the Pie-rena and had her TOS removed. It felt indirectly linked to their plans. Had she thought about him when asking for anything? Anything? At all? From Caine? Could she have not asked for an exit or something? Not to deny its usefulness, but it felt strange to have it be so closely linked to him.

Then, after they discovered the Abstractions, Pomni helped Y/N focus and rest. They hugged. They slept in the same bed as they were doing now. They fell asleep in one another's arms.

It almost felt like they had missed a step.

So Y/N had been thinking. Surely there is something here, something going on. Would it hurt if they gave a relationship a shot? It definitely wouldn't hurt him. Love finds a way, right? That's what he said at least. The kicker is this; upon thinking, Y/N had come to the ultimate conclusion that he wants a relationship with Pomni. Screw all this beating around the bush.

Y/N had liked Pomni. There, he said it. Not out loud, heavens forbid, but mentally.

Pomni's slight shifting brought Y/N out of his thoughts. She'd probably be waking up soon. When she shuffled like that it gave Y/N a few presumed minutes to prepare for her eventual consciousness. Right, how does he go about this going forward? He was lying in bed with his crush, and she was about to wake up. He wanted to pursue something romantic with her. It's time to make a move, right? Nothing too forward, but something at least to sow the seeds.

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now