Chapter 14 - Bait the Bear

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Y/N - "So... let me get this straight..."

Pomni tapped her leg nervously while trying to avoid Y/N's piercing gaze. She didn't mean to let her mouth slip so easily, but the allure of swearing after so long not being able to overtake her body.

Y/N - "You can do anything?"

Pomni - "W-Well, not anything..."

Y/N - "Well, sort of anything."

Pomni - "... alright, sort of anything, but that's beside the point!"

Y/N - "Alright, what is the point?

Pomni - "I can... uh, w-we can..."

Damnit, Caine. If only he kept his freakishly large jaw shut, Pomni's mind wouldn't be racing as intensely as it was now. She doubted you could even do anything sexual here. Surely, right? Like, physically that wouldn't work. The science, or the magic, or whatever the rules are for this stupid place, wouldn't permit it to work. And then there are the Amazing Digital Circus' Amazing Terms and Conditions; Y/N wasn't free of the shackles they held around him, only Pomni. Not that she wanted him to be or anything. That would be weird. Yeah.

Pomni - "NOTHING! W-W-We can n-nothing!"

Y/N - "You're all over the place, Poms. Take a second, deep breaths."

Pomni took off her hat and tried to breathe evenly. It was making her too warm, and it was too heavy. However, in her peripherals, Y/N's eyes widened and he fought a smile off of his face.

Y/N - "... your hair is nice."

Pomni - "S-Sorry?"

Y/N - "Your hair is nice. Cute."

Well this wasn't helping.

Pomni was very conflicted. It almost felt foolish to pretend that she didn't feel something strange about Y/N. Like a good strange, but still a strange strange. A strange that she didn't and hadn't felt about anyone else, in her memory, ever. Then again, she had no memory of her life outside of the circus. Maybe in the real world she had a family. Probably not though, right? Who would fall in love with her?

Not that she was falling in love with anyone herself or anything.

Pomni squeaked the quietest of thank yous before sighing deeply and finally managing to look Y/N in his stupid cute face.

Y/N - "Feeling better?"

Pomni - "Yeah."

Y/N - "Alright, let's start again. Where are you going with this?"

Pomni - "Right, well, you know how you can manipulate the circus slightly with your red thing?"

Y/N - "When I mark things?"

Pomni - "Is that what it's called?"

Y/N - "Dunno, I'm still working on it. Mark, manipulate, uh... touch? No, that's too simple-"

Pomni - "A-Anyways, I can do stuff like that too now, right? I'm more dangerous to the stability of the circus because the rules don't affect me as much."

Y/N - "You right, you right."

Pomni - "So let's maybe... push around a little."

Y/N - "Oooooh, I like what you're putting down, Poms~! You wanna bait the bear?"

Pomni - "If you wanna put it like that, s-sure..."

Y/N - "Sweet. Gimme a second though, I wanna grab something from my room. I'll catch you in a sec!"

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now