Chapter 27 - Confessions (Part 1)

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There's a special type of nervousness when it comes to a confession.

You have to brace yourself for every single possible outcome. It all depends on how the person you are speaking to reacts, right? If you say something like "I broke your window", you'd expect the person to react with anger, but there's always a slither of you wishing that they'd respond calmly and collectedly. That slither of you is always the unrealistic part that you try your absolute best to push down and ignore but can't help but revel in, because what if it actually came true? It doesn't matter that everyone can acknowledge that it is purely wishful thinking, all that matters is that the possibility is there and therefore not zero.

There is, of course, a big difference between breaking someone's window and confessing your feelings to someone that you have been around and obsessed with for the better part of as far back as your memory can be traced. Pomni wasn't really one for believing in fate or destiny, but this entire plot with Y/N just felt like it was coded or written to work out like this. They meet each other, they're connected in some mystical way, and they begin to unveil a magical mystery of sorts that could lead to answers in an unexplainable place. It was only natural that her feelings would blossom in the way that they had. Especially with the sort of person Y/N was. Kind, so kind, extremely funny and witty, definitely strong, undeniably intelligent, and pretty damn talented to boot. Not to mention quite the looker; Pomni was absolutely set on winning Y/N's affection.

And the worst part was she was almost sure that she had. Why else would he flirt so egregiously with her? Just to play with her? But Y/N wasn't that sort of person, he wouldn't take advantage of her. Surely, surely, there had to be a connection that transcended a friendship.

This circles us back around to our first problem. The nerves that Pomni were feeling felt like they were holding her words hostage.

But it was now or never. With a deep breath, Pomni started.

Pomni - "So... you and I have been friends for a while now, right?"

Y/N - "Sure have. Enjoyed every second of it."

How could he just say these things so naturally? It blew Pomni away that his confidence was so shameless. She loved it about him.

Pomni - "Y-Yeah, me too. I'd thought that we could just take a second and b-be honest with each other. A-Are you okay with that?"

Y/N - "Oh, sure. So this is a serious conversation?"

Pomni - "Uh... maybe? Yes. Yes, it is."

Y/N nodded and pulled up the two most intact chairs from the pile of shame in the corner of his room for them to sit on. He placed them facing one another, almost like an interrogation. In a manner this was an investigation, right? The pair sat down and looked aside for a notable second before locking eyes.

Pomni - "I have no idea how I'm gonna go about phrasing this, s-so I'm just winging it, okay? D-Don't judge me."

Y/N - "... okay."

Pomni - "Whew, okay, so... y-you have been really nice to me ever since we met. The first time we met, you took me to that little cave and just made me feel a lot better. Like, a lot better, I can't even begin to explain how nervous and frightened I was. And while I s-still kinda am, you make me feel better."

Through her monologue, Pomni could spy Y/N fighting a smile off of his face. It was adorable to witness; he was trying his best to stay serious for Pomni but clearly enjoyed the compliment.

Pomni - "Then you saved me from that trap thingy. The cogs, remember?"

Y/N - "Sure do."

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now