Chapter 35 - I Defy You, Stars

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It didn't take long for Pomni to fall asleep. Y/N could tell that she was emotionally exhausted from his collapse and the very sudden passing of Gummigoo. A passing that Y/N intended to make temporary. It was time to embrace who he didn't want to be. Y/N would hate it, every single damned second of it, but if that's what he needed to do to make things right, to make everyone happy - to make Pomni happy - then so be it. It was finally time to play God.

Once Y/N made sure Pomni was sleeping, he faced the arduous task of slipping out of her grip. Not only was it physically exhausting (honestly, for such a small woman, her grip around him was stronger than Ragatha's at times) but it was emotionally taxing too. She lay there so peacefully, so happily and yet with such a strong reliance on his presence. The moment Y/N stepped out of the room, he would be leaving Pomni to fend for herself. Well, that implied that she needed protection; he knew that if anyone in the Circus could fend for themselves it was Pomni, but there still lingered a want, a need almost, to protect her. This beautiful woman, sleeping peacefully next to him.

No more. She would be sad no more.

After about ten minutes of trying to slide out from her grasp, his efforts paid off. Y/N slotted a pillow between her arms that she quickly seized. He'd be quick - he had to be in case she woke up and inevitably came looking for him. So, after grabbing his ring from within the piano, Y/N gently slipped out of his room and dashed down the corridor. No one else seemed to be awake, there were no noises around to signal any potential intrusion. This heist could be pulled off without a hitch!

Entering the main chamber, Y/N patted down the stairs and marched over to the wall he and Pomni had travelled through many times. Realistically he could probably summon a doorway on any old surface, but it just felt right doing it here. He spun the ring, and there it was; that glowing red doorway that Y/N had seen before. However, a person now stood behind it.

Queenie - "Good evening, Y/N. Or is it morning?"

Y/N - "My goodness, Queenie! You scared the life out of me..."

To prevent any noise from making it into the Tent, Y/N stepped forward into the Darkness and flicked the ring again to shut the doorway behind him. Queenie cocked her head slightly in confusion. Oh great, another interrogation.

Queenie - "Oh Y/N, what are you doing awake at such a monstrous hour? Surely you must rest too, no?"

Y/N - "Ahhh, I couldn't sleep. Plus, it's been a minute since we caught up so I thought I'd say hi - though I am only passing through."

Queenie - "Oh, passing through? How so?"

How on Digital Earth could Y/N even begin to explain this to Queenie? With a heavy sigh, he spun around to face her, looking past her bashfully. Queenie always had a very honest face despite its lack of features. She managed to break down your walls with only her eyes. 

Y/N - "Ugh, it's been... it's been a rough day. Caine put us through a big adventure. We lost a new person, too. I... I got hurt badly. Oh, hang on."

Oh yeah, he started bleeding again! Everyone must have seen it. Including Caine.

Hmm, troubling. That was a problem for later, however. Y/N lifted his shirt slightly and spied that bandages had been lovingly wrapped around his side. He instantly recognised the careful handiwork of Pomni.

Pomni. He was doing this for Pomni. He shouldn't get side-tracked.

Y/N - "Uh, yeah. so I got hurt and was found by Princess Loolilalu. Do you remember Loo?"

Queenie - "Oh yes, rather fondly! How is she?"

Y/N - "... I... alright, so my abilities, my corruption powers, that have a little more influence than I thought. I managed to resurrect a sort of sentience into Loo, b-but she hated me for it. Said I was messing with things I shouldn't be, that no one should have that kind of power. She, uh... I tried to get her out when the portal was closing but..."

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now