Chapter 24 - Rescue Mission

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It was so dark here. It was so cold here.

Y/N woke up to the familiar unfamiliar; the Darkness wrapped around him as far as his eyes could stretch. The red pathways that he made were completely gone. The only light sources were the occasional flickers of reds, blues, yellows or greens that illuminated off of the inky water below him.

Quickly he checked over himself, but luckily Y/N's body had not changed. He hadn't abstracted, that was a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, his memory was a little fuzzy.

Pomni and he were in the oven escape room thing, and then the abstraction showed up-

Wait, Pomni! He saved her, didn't he? Yes, for sure, he did; she was thrown out of the exit door and into the main Tent chamber. Y/N could recognise those blinding colours from anywhere. So, thankfully, she was safe. Alright, that's another step in the right direction.

Right, now a more pressing matter. How in the hell is he going to get out of this place? Caine maybe wouldn't even try and find him, and he had no idea how the others could reach him. He was stuck in the Darkness, and more worryingly, with the abstractions. Those horrid glitching noises kept ringing out now and then, signalling they were close. Comfort clearly wasn't a priority here, funnily enough. Y/N tried to move around but his body was stiff and sore. He felt as if his back were about to tear open, and despite the coldness of the Darkness a lot of the burn marks still felt as if they were burning his skin. Those hand burns especially, wow did they hurt. Gingerly, Y/N decided the best thing to do other than move.

Y/N - "... hello?"

His desperation echoed out through the nothingness, initially gaining no response. However, a short while later, it was met with a haunting response of some gurgled shriek and a sudden whooshing of air as something huge rapidly approached him. Instinctually Y/N closed his eyes and fell limp to let his body get thrown around loosely before righting himself. Upon opening his eyes, there floated a hulking form. It was an Abstraction, all right.

Y/N - "Hey. Do I know you?"

The creature stared blankly back at him before lowering its giant head and softly nudging his body. Either it was sniffing him like freshly prepared food or it was softly playing with his body. Y/N preferred option two.

Y/N - "Hi buddy. Sorry, it's hard to move right now..."

The more his consciousness streamed back into him, the more his body felt like it had been hit by a car. As his eyes adjusted, however, a smile broke out across Y/N's face as he recognised the dog-like features of the thing in front of him.

Y/N - "Wait, Kaufmo! Hey!"

In response, the creature leapt and bound around his body in excitement. All right, things were now definitely looking up! Y/N laughed a little and chose one of the many eyes to focus on.

Y/N - "It's great to see you again, I'm glad you're doing okay. Well, as okay as you can be in here. Are you doing okay?"

Kaufmo let out a low rumbling sound that vibrated Y/N to his core. Somehow, as if by magic, Y/N was able to interpret the roar into a response: "Yes."

Y/N - "Great. Really great. Uh, listen, I was ambushed by an abstraction and I mayyyy be stuck in here. Do you think you could maybe help me out somehow?"

Kaufmo stopped moving for a second before doggy paddling over to Y/N's body and gently pushing him in a direction that seemed familiar to him. Trusting his instinct, Y/N fell limp once more and gently drifted with Kaufmo. It was surprisingly relaxing, actually, despite the cold. Like going down a gentle stream.

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now