Chapter 18 - The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back

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Gangle was always a sensitive soul.

Y/N liked to think he was close to everyone in the circus in some way or another. Be it more obvious like with Ragatha or Zooble or less so like with Jax or Kinger, Y/N got to be a middle ground for everybody. Nobody truly disliked him, not even Jax. Y/N would even go as far as to call most of the people here friends.

There were a couple of glaring exceptions to this.

Pomni was... something else. Y/N wasn't too sure what yet, or what he wanted her to be, but that wasn't the focus at the moment.

Ragatha was like a sister, be it older or younger. They were definitely friends but the sibling dynamic couldn't be ignored.

Gangle was also an exception, but it was difficult to explain how. There were no romantic feelings between the two of them, nor was there an inherent family dynamic. It felt a little cruel, but Gangle was rather reminiscent of a child. Devilishly creative, unknowable mood swings, frightened, pure and innocent. To Y/N, at least, she was someone very important but upsettingly fragile, which is why she needed to be taken care of. With all of the hullabaloo with Pomni recently, however, Y/N's focus had been slightly shifted. It had been a fair while since they hung out. Or spoke, even.

It was hard not to worry.

Pomni - "What's the plan of action?"

Y/N - "Well it's not optimal but we should speak to Jax. He's around Gangle a fair amount so he may know where she is."

Pomni - "Poor Gangle, Jax is so cruel to her."

Y/N - "Eh, he's cruel to everyone. You're right though, he seems to have a special soft spot for tormenting Ribbons."

A thoughtful silence fell over the two as they reached Jax's door, his sly smirk greeting them as if he were making fun of them through the wood.

Pomni - "Do you think he... maybe... and, y'know, and Gangle?"

Y/N - "Hmm? Whadya mean?"

Pomni - "W-Well, maybe it's just his way of giving her attention?"

Huh. Y/N had never thought of it that way.

Y/N - "You think?"

Pomni - "J-Just a thought, is all. I've been thinking about stuff like tha- UH, I-I mean, I've b-been thinking about... uh... it. Yeah."

Y/N decided to let her trail off as he knocked politely on Jax's door. A myriad of cartoonish noises erupted from behind the door before it was flung open, Jax sticking himself around the side and glaring at the pair of them.

Jax - "Oh, Romeo and Juliet. Can I help you-?"

Y/N - "Do you have a crush on Gangle?"

Jax - "... what?"

Y/N - "Just asking. Curious."

Jax seemed genuinely thrown off by Y/N's bluntness. To be fair, so was Pomni; she wasn't expecting him to just up and ask him so casually. Maybe he preferred that approach?

Jax - "Uh... why?"

Y/N - "Curious."

Jax - "Has she put you up to this?"

He threw an accusatory finger at Pomni while squinting. Before Pomni could defend herself Y/N already was.

Y/N - "Nope. We're looking for Gangle and I just thought of it. So, do you?"

Jax - "What do you want from me, Y/N?"

Y/N - "... an answer?"

Sighing, Jax leaned against the doorframe and tapped his fingers impatiently against his upper arm. It could just be the light, but you could make a pretty convincing case of a light dusting of blush on Jax's face.

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now