Chapter 23 - Cat and Mouse

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Y/N and Pomni were faced with the dilemma of having to navigate a labyrinth of ovens. What a life the Amazing Digital Circus was. The worst part was they didn't even have an exact idea of how much time they had.

Y/N - "Welp, left, right, or straight on?"

Pomni - "Uh, I don't mind."

Y/N - "Choose one. Any one."

Pomni - "Left?"

Y/N - "Left? Why left?"

Pomni looked at Y/N confused.

Pomni - "I-I don't know, why not left?"

Y/N - "You could've gone right is all."

Pomni - "Okay, let's go right then."

Y/N - "Right? Are you sure?"

Pomni's confusion dropped as she realised that Y/N was pulling her leg. He giggled at himself and walked left as Pomni joined him. They walked into the next room, which looked to be an exact replica of the one they were just in, which seemed to be an exact replica of the room they started in.

Y/N - "Well this is awful. At least we'll stay warm."

Pomni looked around some of the cabinets and pulled out a sheet of paper. It appeared to have a crudely drawn map of identical rooms and a red line showing an overly complicated route to a large sign titled "Exit". All in all the area wasn't actually too large, but you could easily get lost for a good while if you didn't know where you were going. But surely Caine wouldn't actually let them roast in this place, right?


Opening the sheet up, Pomni smiled to herself and beckoned Y/N over to look at it. He leaned over her shoulder, smiling to himself as he saw her face deepen slightly from his closeness.

Pomni - "Oh, here we are!"

Y/N - "Look at you! Were you a detective in the real world, Poms?"

Pomni - "Haha, maybe!"

The map claimed they went the wrong way, but luckily they weren't too far in. Letting Pomni lead the charge, Y/N idly followed in pursuit before noticing something scrawled on the paper adjacent to the map.

Y/N - "Hang on... what's that?"

There was desperate writing that scrawled "It can see you" along the side. Both of their faces fell as they read it.

Pomni - "Is Caine one for pulling pranks?"

Y/N - "Uh... not really."

This was new. Caine had threats in previous adventures, but never in this sort of cryptic format. It was almost like they had stumbled into a horror game. Maybe Caine was starting to get original?

Pomni - "T-That's not comforting."

Y/N - "Eh, we've got each other, we'll be fine."

This didn't seem to fully convince Pomni, but it lessened her worry enough to keep moving onwards. Head down, she strode back through the rooms they came from and to the right.

Pomni - "Guess you were right about right."

Y/N - "I mean, left took us to the map. I'd say you've reverse-engineered us a favour."

Pomni - "Only on accident."

Y/N - "But it was a beautiful accident."

Y/N walked next to Pomni to be by her side instead of behind her. Her face was still stuck in the map, so Y/N had to occasionally shift her to the left or right to avoid incoming furniture. She was cute when she was focused. Hey, that's a good place to start.

Opposites Abstract - Pomni x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now