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After signing the contract, Mr. Wonwoo escorted us outside the company. "We're looking forward to working with you, Ms. Do-hee."

"Likewise," I replied shortly.

"I'll send the rest of the information about further events to Ms. Haewon later tonight. I hope you have a good day." Saying so, he bowed to us and went back inside. Inside the car, Haewon released a deep breath and started to drive.

"Damn, that CEO and his secretary were damn scary but good-looking. But anyway, I'm so glad we got the contract. You're going to be a big star once again, Do-hee. But are you okay? Mr. Mingyu kept asking you questions, and I know you always feel distressed talking about them. I'm proud of you for handling it."

"Thanks. It was nerve-wracking to keep calm while talking about those issues. And yeah, I'm happy we got the deal. But now I'm worried about the public media conference tomorrow. The media's going to go wild when they see me, putting me on the spot with questions I don't want to answer, just like today. I can't even imagine the trashy headlines they'll use."

I felt nauseous just thinking about it. Public conferences always gave me anxiety, panic attacks, and nausea. The media's twisted questions, irrelevant to the topic but totally relevant to my personal life and controversies, were my worst nightmare.

"It'll be fine, I'm sure. We'll prepare you, so stay confident. No need to panic; everything will go well," Haewon replied reassuringly while driving. "Once we get back to your home, we'll call Mr. Lim to help us with the questions." Mr. Lim is our old acquaintance who always helps us get news or publish articles on our side. Hearing his name reassured me a bit.

After we got home, Haewon sat on my sofa and pulled out her phone. "I must inform our hairstylist, makeup artist, and stylist that you're going to have a public appearance tomorrow, so we need to do a fitting check today. I'll cook for both of us. You go and take a shower. You've done grocery shopping this week, right?"

I was heading to my room when I heard her mention grocery shopping. I had completely forgotten to do it. Although I rarely need them unless Haewon is over, since I don't cook and always eat snacks from convenience stores nearby, I always have necessary supplements to meet my body's nutritional needs. Haewon always fusses about me not having proper meals, but I can't help it after once being poisoned. My mom had once paid my housekeeper to poison my food out of spite. Since then, I've been reluctant to try foods from outside or made by others. Haewon knows this and always tries to cook for me or brings homemade food whenever she can. I'm always grateful to her for that.

"Ah... I think I forgot to do the shopping for groceries," I replied, anticipating a rebuke.

"You WHAT?! When's the last time you bought them?" When I failed to answer, Haewon got furious.

"Do Do-hee, are you telling me you haven't bought any groceries since I last bought them for you?! GIRL, I BOUGHT THEM A MONTH AGO. What have you been eating since then?!"

"Instant noodles...?" I said, regretting telling her I'd been surviving on instant noodles and supplements.

"Instant WHAT?! Girl, are you kidding me right now? You can't live off instant noodles forever. You need nutrition for your body to function properly, otherwise, you're going to get sick. I'm so upset with you right now, Do-hee. Anyway, go take a shower. I'll go and buy the groceries." Saying so, she got up from the sofa and went outside. I felt bad for her always looking after me like a kid. She just wants me to be healthy. But what's the point of buying groceries if I can't cook? That's just a waste of money. I thought of apologizing to her when she came back and went inside my room to take a shower.

While looking for a pair of new undergarments, I noticed they looked a bit raunchy as if someone had snooped through them. I shrugged it off, thinking maybe I was the one who kept them like that, even though it's unlikely of me. After choosing my clothes, I went inside the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out, a nice aroma filled my nose, indicating that someone was cooking in the kitchen. It must be Haewon. As I got out of my room, I saw her cooking.

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