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'The most bizarre thing ever is happening in my life currently. Not only did Mingyu announced that we're dating publicly even though we're not, I also accepted to be his fake dating partner for 5 month. Oh, did I also include that we're gonna have a youtube account focusing on our fake relationship? And the fact that we all agreed to do such ridiculous thing to fool the whole world, have the 4 of us gone crazy!? Have I gone crazy!? Nevertheless it's only for 5 months Do-hee. I can survive.'

The Scandal Squads

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the group chat 'The Scandal Squads'. Here we're gonna discuss about everything regarding our fake dating candidates Kim Mingyu and Do Do-hee.


Mr Wonwoo
You even made a group? For what?

Ok enough intrusions. As I was saying in this group chat we'll discuss and make schedules regarding the fake dates and videos. But before all of these here are the rules and regulations about this scheme

Rule #1 The relationship status should be on their Instagram profiles and they should be seen on dates together in public sometimes.

Rule #2 They must upload photos of themselves together taken on their fake dates online to prove that they are indeed a couple. Including their respective interactions.

Rule #3 They must supervise with their secretaries or among themselves before posting anything about each other.

Rule #4 They should keep their body languages in pictures in sync, by smiling in a certain way, hugging, being comfortable.

Rule #5 No social media engagement with fans regarding romantic relationships without supervision, nor any revealing of private details or personal information.

So these are the rules if anyone has to add anything or complain feel free to do now. Also try not to let this group chat get leaked specially the rules mentioned above. After a few hours I'm gonna delete the above message.

Fine by me.

Mr Wonwoo
Same me too

'Am I the only one who's still kinda freaking out with this whole scheme? These 3 looks so cool with it.'

Haewon is much more excited and hyped about this whole fake dating thing. She keeps talking about how she can't wait for me and Mingyu to fall in love, although she's still skeptical about him. It's like she can't differentiate between the real world and a fictional one, I guess.

According to our plan, today is the day we're going to shoot our first introductory video. All of us are at Mingyu's house to shoot the video. Mingyu and I have initially agreed to call each other by name—no more formalities. I'm reading the PDF he sent about his preferences. It's best to know small details about each other before doing this couple thing.

"You don't remember all of these?" Mingyu said suddenly, standing beside me and watching Haewon and Mr. Wonwoo set up the cameras. Both of us are wearing casual clothes. This is my second time seeing him in something other than suits, and I must say it looks good on him.

"I do. I'm just revising so that I don't forget anything about you," I said defensively.

"Tsk. What kind of fake girlfriend are you?" He smiled teasingly.

'He looks cute when he smiles.'

"Hey, I'm doing my best. It's not like you remember mine, either. So we're both equally at fault here."

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