Blitzø: Drug Addict

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tw for rape (no details whatsoever) drug use, pills and heroin, also mentions suicide and OD
also ik sinners automatically go to pride, but just for the sake of this oneshot im bending the rules 😔 so sorry 😔

Nobody knows about Y/n's drug addiction. Not even her coworkers and boss, in which she's surprised because there was some times where she got caught by Moxxie taking 4-5 pills of oxycontin. She just shrugged it off and said she had a migraine and just took ibuprofen.

Whenever Y/n first arrived in hell from a drug overdose (who woulda thought) she was shocked whenever she found out there was drugs here, even more shocked that there was a hell.

Apparently, the reason why she's an imp was because whenever a person dies of an accidental OD they automatically become an imp because they're the lowest class chain, and for some reason death by OD fits in that criteria.

So here she is, landed her job at I.M.P, still addicted to drugs.

"Business has been slow so give me ideas, anyone." Blitzø leaned on the table with his hands.

Nobody said a word. Y/n was trying to fight taking pills, her body ached and she needed to get high.

Millie and Moxxie gave some ideas but Blitzø didn't like them. That's it I'm going to the bathroom. She stood up and picked up her raggedy old bag, walking away but Blitzø stopped her.

"Hey sit down bitch, you haven't given us an idea."

"Okay and? I'm just going to the bathroom goddamn." She rolled her eyes, walking away as Blitzø eyed her down.

Y/n quickly locked the door and fumbled through the bag to find the Oxycontin. She grabbed the orange bottle and her eyes widened.

"Fuck shit shit!" She whispered yelled so no one would hear her. "I fucking ran out." I'm so fucking stupid.

Y/n groaned, lightly hitting her head against the wall. Usually she'll go by the Gluttony ring to get her supply because there's a lot of drug addicts over there. That's how she found her supplier, scary dude but Y/n didn't care, she just wanted to get high.

Her eyes lit up. Y/n knew how to get business there AND get some more pills. She eagerly left the bathroom and ran back to the meeting room.

"I have an idea." She smiled, knowing that she was going to get her fix soon.

"Well spit it out." Blitzø gave her the go ahead.

"Go to the Gluttony ring, there's tons of sinners that have died of an accidental OD. They must have some people on earth that ratted them out at some point in their life."

"Wait why do you know this?" Moxxie raised an eyebrow.

"I'm from there. I see them all the time, they go to Gluttony because they overindulge."

"Oh fuck no, I'm not going back there." Loona said.

"Wait you're from GLUTTONY?" Blitzø yelled out of shock.

"Uh yeah? And Loona why do you not want to go back?"

"You're from GLUTTONY?" Blitz yelled yet again.

"Yes? Why are you so surprised?"

"I don't see you overindulge in anything. Oh and Loona went to a party with me and apparently I embarrassed her."

Y/n felt like all eyes was on her, she knows nobody knows about her addiction, but was still deeply afraid they were gonna find out. She didn't want to be seen as that. Let alone her die of an OD.

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