Blitz x Male!Mute!Reader: Flirt

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*requested* takes place during murder family
also this was gonna be a HC but it didn't seem right so it had to be a OS 😭
also!! i didn't know if you wanted the reader to talk to confess because when they're all tied up so is his hands, so it'll be hard for him to sign without hands, so i was gonna make him talk.

When you first started working at I.M.P it was a little hard trying to communicate with the others. Nobody knew sign language, so you had to teach them. Blitz only knows a little bit of it because of Fizz, but the others knows absolutely nothing about it. Millie was the first to caught on, then Blitz, Loona, and then finally Moxxie.

Your coworkers always wondered why you're mute, but all you "said" was that it's hard for you to talk, so you prefer signing.

You only worked there for about a year until you developed feelings for Blitz. You never wanted to tell him because A: you don't know if he would like you back and it might cause tension between the two of you, and B: you feel like a burden because you are mute and have to communicate through hands. For example, at a meeting you're often ignored because your coworkers doesn't pay attention to your presence, and it's not like you can use your voice to get their attention. You would have to rely on slapping the table so they can see what you're about to sign.

Today, you heard that I.M.P has to kill this woman who got out of the hospital. Of course, Moxxie was against it, so Blitz had to shoot the woman. Right whenever he was about to, Moxxie moved his gun and he missed, creating a loud scene.

You would yell at Moxxie but since you're mute all you could do was kick him before running off due to the family chasing you guys.

You ran through the woods, feet crunching the sticks and an ocasional tripping and falling. You ran so fast that you didn't realize there was a hill. You abruptly stopped in your tracks but lost your balance, rolling down the hill with sticks and leaves caught up in your hair. You planted on the ground with a hard thud, your head hitting a rock that was the size of a football, instantly knocking you out as you heard Blitz scream your name.

You groaned as you woke up, looking ahead, you saw the blonde lady with the gun grinning devilish. You realized you were tied to a wooden pole with Blitz and Millie on either side. "Pretty rough day?" Blitz joked, staring at your bloody upped face. You stuck your tongue out at him.

"I'm gonna send ya'll asses back to where you came from!" The woman yelled, throwing a torch over at the three of you. You winced, but then realized this is human fire, not hell's fire. "Yeah your fire doesn't hurt us but we can scream if that'll get your dick hard."

"Oh, then I'll just shoot your smart asses." She pointed the gun.

"That'll be more efficient."

"Blitz!" Millie yelled.

You didn't wanna die like this. Not being tied up to one of your greatest friend and being tied up to a person you have feelings with. You wanted to tell Blitz how you feel, but your hands are tied up so there's no way of you telling how you feel about him. Fuck.

"Blitz, I had feelings for you for the longest time and I never wanted to tell you in fear of ruining our friendship, but I love you."

"Wait, what?"

Before you or Millie could say something a gunshot pierced your ears. The blonde lady fell forward, revealing Moxxie with a gun.

"Moxxie!" Millie shouted.

While Moxxie was untying Millie, Blitz looked your way, "You talked and you confessed your feelings." Blitz smirked.

Fuck you. You signed.


Back at I.M.P things have been...awkward...between the two. During the party of killing that whore you sat by yourself eating the cake, while Blitz would occasionally lock eyes with yours before looking away.

The rest of the work day dragged along the hours. Even worse was that there was no new clients, so you were forced to be in the same building with Blitz. The two of you haven't spoken to each other since and M&M was still in shock that they heard your voice. Millie was going to bring it up, but Moxxie didn't want her to in fear of making you uncomfortable.

The clock struck 8pm and everyone gathered their things. Loona was the first to leave, then M&M. You began walking out the room but Blitz called your name out, you turned around and tilted your head.

"Wanna come back to my place? Ya know since we almost died."

You thought about it before finally nodding your head.

Arriving to his messy house you were intrigued by all of the pictures on the walls. One of them caught your eye, it was a picture of you and Blitz when ever you first started working at I.M.P.

"When I met you that day I swore I came in my pants." He put his arm on your shoulder and smirked.

You felt your face flush and slowly step away from him.

"What? Getting all flustered because of me?"

A smile crept on your face, Why are you teasing me?

"I'm really in the mood to tease you tonight since you practically confessed your feelings. Which by the way, attractive voice." He walked over to you and dragged his finger down against your neck. You gulped and inaudibly laughed in a nervous manner.

Blitz grabbed your hand and walked you over to the couch. He picked up the remote and scavenged through the channels, landing on something that you might enjoy. He turned his attention back over to you, scooting closer. "You won't believe how many dirty fantasies I've had about us."

Are you serious?

"Mm very." He smirked. "And by the way, you didn't have to confess your feelings, I knew you had some by the way you were giving me bedroom eyes for the past year."

You cringed, You knew?

"Been known, baby."

Minute after minute Blitz kept flirting and teasing you non stop. Your face was burning up by how many times he made you blush.

"You look like you want more." He lowered his eyelids. He crawled on you and straddled your hips. You couldn't take this teasing anymore.

Your hand pushed Blitz's head closer to yours and quickly kissed him, pulling away for an instant, then the two devoured each other. Blitz slid his tongue in your mouth as his hand traveled over to your groin. He pulled away, "Do you want me to stop?"

"Just the opposite, please."

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