Stolas x Fem!Human! Reader

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sorry that this isn't my best work 😭

It's weird to think about how I accidentally made a portal to hell in my very own room. I was just goofing around on the dark web, found a link that said "how to create your very own portal to hell." And knowing my sense of humor, I decided to test it out.

The shock I was in whenever I saw that the portal opened up to another room. Without walking in, I could see lines of books, fancy wallpaper, a purple/pink couch. Was this hell?

If I could go back in time and stop myself from walking through that portal (and even stop myself from making it) I would. Only because I didn't want to get attached to a demon owl.

Whenever I first walked into his room, it felt like I was hallucinating. None of this was real. I turned my head to see what the rest of the room looked like and I met face to face with him.


We both shouted bloody murder.

"Uh little human, what are you doing here?" He backed far away from me.

"I accidentally made a portal. Please don't kill me." I put my hands up in defense. I was not wanting to be put on a blacklist for hell.

He loosened up. "I wasn't planning on it. But I do think it's best for you to leave."

I felt a pit in my heart. "How come?"

"You're a human, and it's very dangerous for humans to be here." He walked up towards me. I had to turn my head all the way up just to see him because of how tall he is.

"Can I just stay for a bit? I promise I won't leave this room. I just think this is cool ya know?"

"What's cool?"

"All of this. This portal that I made out of my ass, joking. And the fact I'm talking to an owl." I smiled.

"Well, I suppose. I actually never met a human down here before. Do you want anything to drink? Or to eat?"

"No thanks." I only said no because I don't trust hell food.

The owl sat on the couch and patted the seat next to him for me to sit on. I gladly took it and slouched into it.

"I'm Y/n by the way."

"What a lovely name. I'm Stolas." He put his hand out for me to shake it.

"So, what do you do in hell?"

"I'm a prince. I have these duties I have to fulfill by using this powerful spell book, but I haven't quite fulfilled them." He fiddled with his hands.

"How come?"

"Oh dear, this is going to be quite embarrassing. I have this...thing going on with a friend of mine. He needs this book to go to earth for his job, but I need it to fulfill my duties. So...once a month on a full moon we..."

"You what?"


A short laughter escaped my lips. "Sorry, wasn't expecting that."

"I shouldn't even have talked about it." He dropped his head in his hands, then lifted it up. "Why did you make this portal? And will it ever close?"

"I got bored and went on the dark web. And I have no idea. I guess you might see me everyday then." I gave a cheeky smile.

Stolas hooted, basically his way of laughing. "I guess so. If I'm not in here then go back to your realm. Oh and don't come here on a full moon." He smiled.

And so ever since that day I would see him every single night. We would mostly talk about what's going on with our lives, our past lives, and just me talking about earth while he teaches me things about hell.

We also learned that I can technically teleport to him anywhere because of his and this portals special properties or something. I wasn't really listening whenever he told me that. I love him, I love his voice, but sometimes he just yaps. But I think that's one of the reasons as to why I love him.

My phone rang and I answered it right whenever I heard the ringtone for Stolas.

"Y/n I think I'm being kidnapped right now. Do you have any way to get here? I'm being tied up by blessed rope so I'm afraid your portal won't work."

"The fuck you mean you think you're getting kidnapped? And Stolas I don't think I can help you."

"I know you can't help me, but I was wanting to call you just so you won't worry too much about me. Blitz, Millie and Moxxie are going to help me. I'll be alright, I promise-"

"Stolas? Stolas! Fuck!" I ran my fingers through my hair. This can't fucking be happening. I can't lose him. He's the best thing that has happened to me. He gave me so much advice and wisdom that I believe helped me become a better person within these 2 months.

Hours and hours have passed, and I can't teleport. I would try every 5 minutes within these 5 hours, and I'm so sore and tired from even trying to do this.

I couldn't hold myself up anymore and planted on the hardwood floor. My eyes was being flooded by tears. I can't lose him, I don't want to.

The same ringtone interrupted this crying mess. I quickly answered it, almost dropping my phone out of adrenaline.


"Hey...I'm alive, but very hurt." His sounded so weak.

In an instant I reopened the portal and there I was, standing in a hospital room with Stolas who has bandages all over him.

"Stolas." I whispered, smiling through the tears.

I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed next to his torso. I gently rested my hand on the side of his face. He placed his hand on top of mine. "No need to cry, dear." He leaned up and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I was so worried about you." I sniffled. "I didn't know what I was going to do-"

His lips connected with mine. The kiss was gentle, and it felt very passionate between the two of us. "I don't want to see you cry." He smiled.

"I love you a lot, Stolas."

"I love you a lot more, dear."

Helluva Boss x Reader Oneshots/HC's.Where stories live. Discover now