Preferences: First Dates

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- he asked you out jokingly but was shocked whenever you said yes
- he took you to the movies
- kept touching your thigh
- didn't mind as long as he didn't do anything too sensual
- since you two were the only ones there you guys just kept talking out loud about the movie
- "this movie sucks"
- "blitz you picked it out"
- ended up throwing popcorn at each other
- he took you to his house and surprisingly didn't fuck you on the first date (he's doing it the second one though)

- you asked her out
- "Yes!!"
- she's super excited
- you two decided on a picnic at the Gluttony ring
- she rested her head on your shoulders
- "the sky is beautiful" she awed.
- "looks like you"
- "classic flirting" she laughed
- night time rolled around and you two went back to your place
- sat on the couch together to watch cheesy movies
- "this was a really nice date hun" millie said, kissing the top of your head

- He nervously asked you out
- "of course!"
- he was nervous the whole time, you could tell but didn't say anything about it
- he took you to a restaurant
- "you look really nice" he stammered
- "thank you, you look quite handsome yourself"
- def flustered him
- you guys talked about so many topics, which loosened him up a bit
- he loved hearing your voice so he asked so many questions about your life that he didn't know about
- at the end you offered to pay but he paid first
- he dropped you off at your house
- "lets go on another one?" You offered
- his eyes lit up "Yes! Pick you up same time tomorrow?"
- you agreed

Millie & Moxxie
- they wanted to be in a poly relationship with you
- so they asked you out and took you to Ozzie's
- you were caught off guard by that question but happily said yes
- "Thank you for joining us" Millie smiled
- The three of you got along so well
- they both want to add you in the relationship
- "how about we go on more dates?" moxxie suggested
- you and millie both agreed
- you never been in a poly relationship before, but their relationship made you want to join, so you're happy with this
- millie paid for the date, moxxie wanted to but she's like "uh no let me pay"
- the three of you went to their house
- you ended up spending the night with them but got awoken to Blitz aggressively tapping the window

- it was originally a fake date so you can make your ex jealous
- you two just walked around hell, taking pictures of stupid things
- loona kept taking 0.5 pictures of you and laughed about how stupid you look
- you got back at her by taking pictures of her being caught off guard
- "oh you bitch" she laughed
- you two ended up going shopping
- well more like "borrowing"
- almost got caught multiple times
- "i know this was a fake date, but i actually enjoyed it" she smiled
- "i did too. Maybe go on a real one next time?"
- "most definitely"

- he asked you out
- took you to a really fancy restaurant
- bowed whenever he saw you
- "you look...dashing."
- you smiled and took his hand
- ordered wine for the two of you
- you were kinda nervous because he is a prince and you wanted him to like you
- kept giving you compliments, but whenever you gave him a compliment he was very flustered
- food was free because he's the prince
- he invited you back to his house
- ended up watching a horror movie (you picked it out)
- he was hella scared but didn't want to seem weak
- you ended up falling asleep on his lap, him carefully playing with your hair

- he asked you after the circus performance if you want to go skating
- you quickly said yes
- panicked because you didn't know how
- you kept holding on to the railing while Fizz was showing off his skating skills
- you also fell a lot
- he put his arm out so you can hold it
- he held both of your arms to help you skate, him skating backwards so he can prevent you from falling
- "hey you're doing pretty good"
- he let go of you and you stumbled and fell
- "oh shit, sorry"
- he helped you get back up
- spent the day at the rolling rink to teach you how to skate
- and eventually you learned how
- he was proud asf
- "wanna go ice skating next time?" he offered
- "fuck no, how about we go somewhere else?"
- he agreed

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