🔞 Blitz x Fem! Human! Reader: Venus 666

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for some reason i'm obsessed with human readers fucking imps

The sound of your bedroom window breaking jolted you out of your nap. Luckily you were in the living room and your hand gun was tucked underneath the couch. You quickly grabbed the gun and aimed it in front of you, slowly walking towards your bedroom.

Your heart increased its rhythm as the closer you got. You peaked your head in, still the gun in front of your chest. It wasn't a human that broke in, it was a 4'11 imp hiding in your room with his gun pointing out of your window.

"Uh what the actual fuck?" You walked in the room, gun pointing at him.

He jerked and turned around, his gun pointing at you. "Oh look at that we shop from the same gun show."

With a tilted head you looked at your gun and then his. "Oh wow, you're right." Your face relaxed before tensing it up again, "Who and what the fuck are you? And why are you in my room?"

"Blitz, O is silent, I'm an imp, and I'm trying not to get SHOT by demon hunters." He said quickly, pointing his gun out of the window again.

You lowered your gun. "You're going to get caught if they see a red demon with a gun pointing out the window."

"Fineee." Blitz got up and closed the window curtains. "How long can I stay here?"

"How long ever I guess...just don't ruin my house and don't kill me." You snickered, "I'm Y/n."

Blitz looked around your room and saw a ring light, adam and eve boxes, and a camera. "Holy shit...you're a fucking cam girl!"

"What!? No! You want me to kick you out already?!"

"Calm your tits. I'm a literal demon from hell, I don't care what you do."

"Just don't go messing around with my stuff." You crossed your arms as you watched Blitz open up one of the adam and eve boxes. "Blitz!"

He pulled out a demon tail buttplug. "Wow." He laughed. "Didn't know you were into demons."

You walked over to where he was and snatched it from him. "If you want to stay you can't go messing around with my shit." You leaned down to his level.

He put his hands up in defense. "Relax, I won't look through your stuff. What platform are you on anyway?"


"What! Just wondering."

Later that night you made him sleep on the couch. The next morning you woke up and walked to the living room and saw that he was gone. "That's weird...I was expecting him to stay longer." You mumbled to yourself.

You walked around the house and called out for his name to see if he was hiding but he really was gone.

You took a shower and put on some makeup to get ready for your "job". Digging through your closet you found your favorite lingerie set. A lacy bra with a matching crotch less thong set. A lot of people (mainly men) have been requesting you to wear this set again, so you figured you should do it to make them happy.

You dug through the toys and got out the (fav color) 7.5 inch dildo and placed it beside of you on the bed.

You took a couple of moments to finger yourself to get you wet, then press record. You smiled and greeted at the camera. You picked up the dildo and spat on it, licking all the sides before finally pushing it inside your mouth. You scooted closer to the camera and moved your head up and down from the dildo, before finally deep throating it. Your grunts and gags was the only thing that could be heard. You felt a singular tear running down your right eye from the dildo constantly hitting your gag reflex.

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