Octavia x Fem!Succubus! reader

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•People found it odd that you're a succubus but is not interested in sex. You never found it appealing to you. You never thought about sex, but you definitely thought of being an actual pop-star in the human world.

•Years ago you completely changed your identity and began writing and producing music. People in hell have no idea that you're doing this, they all thought you completely disappeared.

•Now living in LA, you became popular and everyone adored you. Got invited to award shows, met galas, jimmy fallon. Your music was in popular movies and TV shows. Your life was much better on Earth living as a pop star than in hell living as a succubus.

•One day as you were walking in the streets of LA (wearing sunglasses, a hoodie with the hood covering up your hair and baggy pants because you didn't feel like getting your photo shoots taken by the paparazzi) you got bumped into. Aggravated you turned around getting ready to cuss the person out. But when you turned around you met eyes with the one and only, Octavia.

• "Octavia?! What are you doing here?"
She looked confused, trying to figure out who you were and how you knew her. "Y/n?! You're living here on earth?"
"Yeah. What are you doing here? You're going to get caught." You took her hand and pulled her into this alley way so people wouldn't harm her.
"Just trying to see the stars."
You laughed, "Trust me, you ain't gonna see stars here because of smog."

•You ended up taking Octavia to your house. Showing her around and then finally talking to her about why you're here. She listened carefully, completely intrigued.

• "What about Stolas? I'm sure he's worried about you."

• Eventually Octavia went back home. Days had passed and you were kinda getting sad that she wasn't here. You began missing her. Occasionally a thought would cross your mind to go back in hell, but you really didn't wanna deal with that (you also told Octavia to not tell people that you're up here).

•In your living room you were preparing to write a song about the right person at the wrong time. A knock was heard from your door but ignored it since you really need to finish this song up. The person at the door kept knocking. You groaned and opened the door, eyes lighting up once you saw Octavia. You practically squealed and pulled her into a hug. "Holy shit what are you doing here?" You pulled away. "I wanted to come see you."

•The two of you sat in your living room, talking about what's going on in your lives. Octavia also helped you writing the song you were struggling with. "You should really sing in my songs." Octavia thought about it before agreeing. "I would love to."

•Every Friday nights she would come to your house to help you write songs and occasionally sing in them. You soon developed feelings for her, but didn't say anything because you didn't want to ruin this amazing friendship with her.

•Instead of asking her out, you asked her to be your producer manager. She was taken back by this, but whole heartedly agreed.

•As you two gotten closer, you finally decided to ask her out. Without hesitation she said yes and pulled you into a hug before kissing your cherry flavored lips from the lipgloss.

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