Moxxie x Fem!Human!Reader HC

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doing HC bc they're so much faster to write 😭

• He first met you when he had a job to kill you. At first he was very determined to kill you, and you kept fighting him off using a baseball bat since you're not a gun person.

• "Wait, you don't use guns?"
"No, I'm kinda against them but I see you're not."
Got into an hour long discussion about why you don't like guns and how he likes them.
"If you're gonna kill me just use a knife or something."
"I don't have a knife."
"Well, go back to hell and get you one."
"Can't I just use your knife's?"
"I just have butter knives."
"You're not a violent person are you?"
" right back."

•Moxxie was very confused, but at the same time intrigued by your non violent personality. He went back to Hell to fetch a knife and came back to your house. I.M.P was like "what the fuck mox why are you taking so long." and he's like "Crazy bitch up there." He obviously didn't think that of you, but he didn't want the others to actually kill you.

•Moxxie came back to your house with a sharp dagger, "This good enough?"
"Yeah, actually. So you gonna chase me around and I hit you with a baseball bat?" You said, trying not to laugh because of how stupid this situation is.
"Are you not scared?"
"I mean, if I die I'm either gonna end up in Hell or Heaven and still be "alive", so no I really don't care."

•You two ended up talking instead of fighting each other. Moxxie explained to you why he had to kill you, and you were kinda pissed as to why, but find it relieving once you got to know him. In the long run he didn't want to kill you, so he had to lie to I.M.P that he did kill you and you ended up going to Heaven.

•Every time he gets a chance he would go to your house. You found it amusing that your once killer was hanging out with you every weekend, watching movies, playing board games, getting to know each other.

• You two also talked about your childhoods. He explained about how he grew up in a mafia family and told you about the horror's of it. You sympathized with him, comforting and reassuring him that he's safe from his family and lifestyle. He also comforted you when you told him about your fear of guns. He only knew a partial amount, but didn't know the whole extent of it. The full story started out when you were a kid, and after hearing the entire story he felt guilty for threatening to kill you with a gun. You reassured him that it was okay since he didn't know you first.

•You accidentally found yourself finding attraction for this 4 foot imp. You cringed to yourself, not knowing what to do about it.

•It's been weeks since you saw him, and you were freaking out. Is he dead? Did he get caught not killing you? One night you laid down on the couch, watching a movie that Moxxie was very fond of. You heard a familiar noise and saw the same purple colors. The portal opened up in your living room and out came Moxxie.

•"Moxxie!" You hugged the hell out of him. "I thought you were dead!"
"You missed me that much?"
You pulled away from the hug, still crouching since he is an imp. "I like you."
"You like me?! Why?"
"You listen to me. You're nice, you didn't kill me." You said with humor, "And I find you attractive, oddly enough."
"Oh thank Satan, I was getting kinda worried there."
"It's unheard for a human to like imps, and vice versa.  It's not really allowed to like each other, and my coworkers were getting suspicious of me. That's why I didn't come back for the longest time."
"I'm glad you did."

•Eventually the two of you started secretly dating. Nobody on either side knew what was happening between you guys.

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