Fizz x Ozzie x Epileptic!GN! Reader HC's

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•You've haven't been epileptic your whole life. It all started when doing a performance at Ozzie's and fell off a platform and hit your head. Obviously, your polyamorous relationship with Fizz and Ozzie were worried sick about you. They took you to a hospital straight away (and since it's hell, it was a pretty sucky hospital), all they said was that you had a concussion.

• Going back to Ozzie's house they made you take things slow and refused to let you do things. It was killing you though. Everyone at Ozzie's loved your performances and the customers paid lots of money to go see you, and because of your injury you obviously can't perform. So, customers ended up not going.

• You felt extremely guilty for it, but Fizz kept reassuring you that him and Ozzie aren't mad. They just want you to get better.

•Well, things got even worse. A few days later you had a horrible fever. You felt so weak to even talk and your skin was burning up. Ozzie was the first to notice this. He took your temperature and was horrified whenever it came out to 105° F, which is a deadly fever. He immediately got Fizz and they took you to the hospital yet again. Since you're an Imp they didn't care, but after Ozzie showed his true form they took you seriously and monitored you.

•That same day Ozzie had to go to a very important Hell meeting so he left Fizz with you. He realized you looked worse even though they gave you IV medicine. When he saw your body shaking and eyes rolling back he freaked the fuck out. He called out for some nurses or doctors and they quickly gave you seizure medicine to stop the seizure. Obviously you were "blacked out" for this, so you don't remember much. Fizz on the other hand was hyperventilating and got worried sick. He couldn't call Ozzie because of him being at the meeting, so he held your hand and told you it's going to be okay while you're asleep.

•After some very expensive days at the hospital they officially diagnosed you with Early Post Traumatic seizure. Basically epilepsy. The moment you got this information you broke down. Ozzie rubbed your back while Fizz squeezed your hand. It hurt them to see you like this. The doctors prescribed expensive seizure medicine to take daily to prevent more seizures.

•Finally you were able to go back home and hoped things would go back to normal. Ozzie paid for the medication while Fizz reminded you to take them. The next couple of months the seizures became less frequent and almost disappeared.

•You were still able to perform (after months of begging, but they soon gave in because they saw you haven't had a seizure in a while). However, Ozzie made a deal with you. You can only perform on Friday and Saturday nights and made it "seizure friendly" (basically on those days they refuse to show flashing lights), and because of those seizure friendly days more people started showing up because they also have epilepsy!!

•Your polyamorous relationship anniversary is coming up and you wanted to do something special. And lucky for you, it landed on a friday. You've been preparing this for months, you wanted it to be something completely different and wanted it to be special. However, you could only practice the dance with the backup dancers super early in the day (like 4 am) so Ozzie and Fizz won't see what you're getting up to. You'll sneak out of the bedroom and head on down to Ozzie's and meet the backup dancers there to practice.

•Because you've been getting less sleep and you're stressed out fixing up this anniversary present, your seizures have been acting up. The first incident was that you were walking from the bedroom to the kitchen (and you stood up too fast) and immediately fell back down as your body compulses. Ozzie was already in the kitchen making breakfast and once he heard something (more like somebody) and saw you shaking he took action and turned you on your side just in case if you throw up. He also grew in size and placed his hand underneath your head so it wouldn't keep hitting the ground repeatedly. Ozzie kept it cool, but Fizz was hyperventilating (this dude worry's so much because you mean everything to him).

•You didn't know how much your medicine costs until Fizz pointed it out. He didn't mean any harm, he just said "Damn, this shit is more expensive than the Demon Driller 5000." And yes, that's saying a lot. He meant it as a joke and didn't know it made you feel guilty. You wanted to skip the meds, but since Fizz keeps track of it you had to come up with a plan for him to not helicopter you.

•It was actually pretty easy, you told him you wanted to do things yourself and he respected that boundary. You hid the medicine and only took it twice a week, which definitely didn't help your case.

•Both of your boyfriends were worried sick about you and wanted to take you to the hospital but you always declined (you even got mad at them because of it. You meant no harm but because of the stress and having to deal with seizures just made you on edge).

•At work a coworker gave you chocolate because the anniversary was coming up soon. You didn't want to eat it because you really didn't want to have a seizure since they hurt so much. But, you're a people pleaser and you ate it. Soon enough, you had a seizure 30 minutes later (not while performing because Fizz and Ozzie begged you to not perform once you've been seizure free for 2 months).

•After that one, things got heated between you and your boyfriends.

"Is everything okay, babe? We're so worried about you." Ozzie rubbed your back.

"I am. Just stressed and tired because of these seizures."

Fizz laid his body across you and Ozzie, his head on your lap. "Is that all? Or is there something more?"

•You kept it a secret for so long and it sucks because the anniversary is this friday and you really wanted it to be special. So, you told them everything, including skipping meds.

"I haven't been sleeping a lot and I'm stressed because I've been working for months on this stupid performance for our anniversary." You huffed. "And I may or may not be taking my meds." You winced.

"WHAT?!" Ozzie yelled, but lowered his voice, "What? Why?"

"It's too expensive and I feel so guilty that you have to pay and I feel like a burden."

Fizz shot up, "You're not a burden! We love you so much and want you to be healthy!"

"Don't worry about the money, babe. I got it."

"And sorry for spoiling the surprise."

"Eh, I figured you were up to something." Fizz smirked.

"What? How?" You laughed.

"I know you. I knew you longer than Ozzie." He kissed your nose. "I can tell when you're keeping secrets. But I'm VERY pissed at you for not taking your meds."

"I know, and I'm sorry."

Ozzie combed through your hair with his fingers, "Don't ever apologize, and don't ever skip your meds. I'm flattered you wanted to do a special performance for us, but we also care deeply about you. You're not a burden, you're our lover."

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