Loona x Shy! Male! Reader: Comfort Zone

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requested from tumblr (effy-writes)

You were always shy growing up. Barely had friends because you HATED talking and didn't want to screw up. Which shocks you because you now have a girlfriend.

Loona has been great towards you. Always buying you stuff, loves cuddling, but you despise whenever she tries to get you out some more. She wanted you to overcome your shy nature so she's always inviting you to do things. You always say yes to her because you want her to be happy.

One day she called you saying that you and her got invited to Beezlebub's and Vortex's party and thought it would be a good opportunity to get you out of the comfort zone. You hesitated but then denied the invitation. You especially didn't like party's.

Loona begged you to go with her. She even told you some story's where she first got invited to this party and was a nervous wreck.

"Was it fun for you?" You asked over the phone.

"Well...yes and no. Dad..well Blitz kinda messed it up. But this time will be different! Please Y/n." She whined.

"Alright, fine. I'm doing this because I love you."

You heard you squeal, "It's going to be so fun, I promise. Pick me up at 7!" She exclaimed before hanging up.

You got all dressed up for this party and picked Loona up. She was happy of course, which in return made you happy for her but you're still a nervous train wreck.

You pulled up to Beezlebub's mansion and slammed on the breaks.

"Jesus, Y/n!"

"Loona, there's so many people here."

"So? Just stay by me. I already know most of them." She placed her hand on your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.

You sighed dramatically and parked the car, the two of you getting out. She grabbed your hand and lead you the way to this house. As you were walking past all of these hellhounds your heart raced. Loona noticed this and she squeezed your hand, mentally telling you that she's here.

"How about I get us drinks? Maybe that'll loosen you up."

"Eh, I don't know. What if I make a fool of myself?"

"Nothing will compare you to Blitz. Trust me on this one."

You finally agreed to her request and she got you a cup of beezlejuice. One drink turned into two, then three, then four. The alcohol completely got rid of your nerves and your social anxiety.

Loona tried cutting you off but you refused.

"Come on, Y/n! You're drunk." She smiled, but still wanting you to be careful.

"Sooo? I feel great! And I loveee my girlfriend." You pulled her into a hug but since then world was spinning you trembled a bit.

"Let's get you some water." She laughed, still hugging you.

You pulled away and frowned, "Nooo. I no no wanna."

"Christ on a stick." Loona mumbled, "You're gonna have a horrible hangover."

"Loona! Hey girl." Beezlebub interrupted. "Who's this?"

"My very drunk boyfriend."

"Wassup." You giggled, "I'm Y/n."

"Queen Bee. You having fun?"

"Mm, very." You swung your arm around Loona's shoulders, almost knocking her down.

"I can see that. Did you give him water?" She asked Loona.

"He won't take it. But I'm about to take him home and force him to chug it."

"Good idea. It was nice to meet you!" Beezlebub shook your hand.

"Do I have to shake all four?" You hiccuped.

"Ha, only if you want to!"

Loona shook her head out of embarrassment as you proceeded to shake all four of Beezlebub's hands.

"I like you! You should come party more often." Bee offered.


"No! Babe I love you but I'm cutting you off for sure next time."

You didn't say anything, just kept on smiling and giggling.

Loona dragged you out of the party and drove you back to the house.

Since you couldn't walk properly she put your arm over her shoulder and guided you to your bed. She left for a bit to get you water as you whined for her to come back.


"I'm coming right back!" She groaned.

Your eyes lit up once you saw her again. She handed you a glass of water and forced you to drink it.

"I need you to go to sleep, please?"

"Can we cuddle?" You whined.

"I was planning on it." She said, taking off her dress and slip on some pajamas. She didn't even bother to take your clothes off.

You pulled Loona closer to you after she got underneath the covers.

"Babe, maybe you should face the other way so you don't throw up on me." She laughed.

"Mmno." You held her.

"Please." She groaned.

You grumbled and turned the other way with her being the big spoon.

"Have you ever gotten an hangover?" She asked.


"Pfft, you're about to."

The next morning your head throbbed as your stomach was churning. Loona was still asleep holding you but woken up after you sat up quickly to throw up.

"Yep...knew it."

"Fuck..Loona. I don't feel good." You rubbed your temples.

"Told youuu." She singsonged. "Need some water and pain meds?"

"Yes please."

Loona went and fetched the water and pain killers and handed them to you. She sat down beside of you on the bed. "You're a mess you know that?"

You chuckled, "I know. But hey, the party was fun, right?"

"You asked to shake all of Beezlebub's hands." She deadpanned.

"Oh shit...did I?"


"Did I embarrass you?"

"Only a little, but I love you so it doesn't bother me."

"I'm gonna frew up again."

"Not on your carpet, go to the toilet!"

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