Loona x GN! Human! Reader: Demon Hunter

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You've always been fascinated with demons since you were little. Just something about them intrigued you. Growing up, people would always ask you what do you want to do later on in your life and you always gave the same answer, "A demon hunter."

Obviously, everyone laughed at you. Atheist would say, "There's no such thing as demons," some Christians would say, "Hunting demons is dangerous and can hurt your soul." When hearing those words you always thought to yourself, "Wow, these guys are idiots."

Sure, you know the dangers of tracking down demons and hunting them, but that's what makes it so thrilling.

In addition, people always assumes you work with D.H.O.R.K.S, but that's not the case. You thought they were too dumb to do anything, plus their practices causes way too much chaos and it even hurts you because you are a demon hunter.

You don't know a lot about them since you never caught one, so that's why you've been keeping your eyes out on the news, dark web, even satanist websites. Some people consider you being crazy since you're so obsessive with this.

You began pin pointing on where these demons may show up. There has been a lot of sightings in your home city because it IS a big city, everyone is always watching (yet they will refuse to believe demons exists...some of them refuse).

You were currently sitting underneath a bridge with all sorts of trackers around you to detect any sort of matter or energy. You've been doing this for months now and had no luck of any demon sightings, until tonight.

A whooshing noise coming from the distance got your attention (and the detectors went off). Your heart raced as you turned the detectors off so it wouldn't scare the demons away.

You laid on the ground and pulled out your binoculars, it looked like to be some sort of portal. Curiously you started to crawl that direction before suddenly stoping once you saw demons walking out of it.

A woman demon followed by a man demon walked out who seems to be holding hands. The woman called out for the others, a taller demon inaudibly talking to some sort of hellhound.

You didn't even know hellhounds actually existed. Purple smoke covered her as her body shrunk in size, and once it went away you saw that she had a human disguise, "How come the others doesn't have a human disguise?" You mumbled to yourself.

You were thinking about how you could trap them. You have a horse tranquilizer gun that should do the trick. If you do it now you'll blow your chance (and they have all sorts of weapons), so your new plan was wait until they opened that portal again so they'll have their backs turned toward you and won't suspect a thing.

You waited impatiently under that bridge, scanning left and right with your binoculars. You kept a 6 pack of Monster Energy Drinks and you were on your 3rd. God, how long will this take.

You wanted to sleep, but you were so determined to follow them and get to know more about demons.

The same voices was heard from before. You looked through your binoculars and saw the same portal again. The 3 demons were arguing about something.

"Wait where's the hellhound?"

"I'm not just a hellhound."

Once you turned around you immediately got struck in the head, knocking you out instantly.


"Uh..Loona, their head is bleedin'."


Your eyes fluttered open as you groaned due to the head pain. A light was shoved in your face, making you wince.

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