Preferences: Favourite Parts

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- he's an ass guy
- always slaps it whenever you walk by
- sometimes he'll do it too hard and you yell at him playfully
- you absolutely love his horns
- for some reason you're a sucker for them
- always grabbing them during sex (he doesn't mind)

- she loves your face
- always kissing it, forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, temples, everywhere
- always says how beautiful you are
- you love her thighs
- when cuddling you always rest your head on them
- loves to squeeze the hell out of them

- he loves your smile
- always try's to make you laugh/smile but doing goofy or sentiment things
- whenever he's having a bad day and then sees your smile it instantly puts him in a good mood
- you love his hands
- always holding them
- no matter what you guys are doing you always want to hold his hand

- she loves your chest
- always sleeps on it, every night, all the time
- even if it's 100° outside she's always wanting to rest her head on you
- you love her hair
- always running your fingers through it, and she doesn't mind because it feels good to her

- he loves your hands
- loves it whenever you're touching him (appropriately guys)
- kisses them every time you say hello/goodbye
- you love his feathers
- super super soft and warm
- whenever you're sad you find comfort to snuggle up against him

- he loves your arms and legs
- lowkey jealous that he doesn't have any 💀 but that's kinda why he loves them so much
- during sex he loves to hold them
- you love his face
- since he has no nerve endings, you always touch and kiss his nose
- snuggles up against his face 24/7

If you requested a oneshot it might take me a couple of days to publish it because i have exams 💀 so that's why i'm publishing preferences because it's faster and i want content for yall

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