Blitz: ABC of Intimacy

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lowkey i always wanted to do this, anyway enjoy :p

•Aftercare (How do they look after you after sex)
He mainly just lays in bed and cuddles you. Nothing too crazy, he just lays there and listen to you talk and vice versa. He's not really into aftercare, but he does it for you.

• Body Part (Fav body part)
Boobs, he's a sucker (ha) for boobs. Groping, flicking, licking, sucking your nipples, he loves it.

•Communication (Do they talk during sex, roleplay, etc)
He's a huge talker and super into roleplaying. He mainly likes to roleplay as cowboys but is up to do whatever you want roleplay as.

•Dirty Secret (A secret they won't tell)
He's lowkey into you degrading him. He found out by accident whenever you yelled at him for accidentally cumming in your eye. Sometimes he gets on your nerves just so he could be yelled at by you.

•Experienced or Virgin
Super experienced, before yall got together bro was fucking like once a day.

•Goofy or Serious
Mainly serious in bed, but if it's just casual sex he'll say some dumb shit like, "I wonder if M&M are fucking right now." And you'll just reply with "Well I'm pretending I'm fucking Moxxie right now." And yall will just go back and forth

•Favorite Position (self explanatory)
He's a sucker for doggy. Pulling on your horns, hair, tail, he loves it. (Same with pegging)

•Hair (shave or natural)
He's trimmed

•Intimacy (Their romantic level during sex)
It depends on what kind of day he had. If he had a pretty good day he's pretty romantic. Candles, music, all of that stuff. If he's having a shitty day then it's not as romantic but you can still tell he loves you.

•Jack off (How often)
Pretty often. Whenever you're not there he usually jacks off in the bathroom and thinks about you.

Choking, roleplaying, bondage (giving and receiving) He's not vanilla whatsoever. (But is willing to be vanilla if you're not up for it).

•Location (Fav areas to have sex)
Mainly his office, but he also loves doing it in the shower and on the couch. But office 100%

•Motivation (Their turn on's)
Whenever he sees you killing the targets. M&M have to pry him off of you basically. Also whenever he sees you wearing one of his shirts wearing no pants.

He doesn't have a lot of no's. The only thing is that he's against dressing up as clowns and roleplaying (because of his past)

•Oral (Give or receive)
At first he prefers receiving, but after that encounter with Verosika he was willing to give you oral, and ever since he loved it.

•Pace (Slow, gentle, rough, hard, fast)
Again, depending on what type of day he had. Sucky day, hard and rough, good day, slow and gentle. He's also willing to do whatever pace you would like.

He loves them. He always asks for a quickie every day (and if you're willing to do one).

•Risk (What things he's willing to do)
Anything and everything. Living world, the headquarters, on a fuck ton of drugs, in public (if you're up for that)

Pretty high, he can go how long you would like. After sex, he would need a couple of hours to recover, but after he's willing to go again.

He loves them. His favorite one is using a vibrator on you. For himself he loves using a vibrating buttplug.

•Unfair (Teasing)
Definitely unfair. He's really into edging. But once you beg him to stop he'll happily obliged.

Normal amount of volume. He's not extremely loud. Mainly just grunts and some moans.

•Wild (Are they animalistic)
Very much so, but not all the time. It depends if y'all are roleplaying and what yall are roleplaying.

•X Ray (What's in their pants)
7 Inches in length but slim. Its the same color as his skin and he has some "spikes" like the one his his back. It doesn't hurt at all and it gives you more sensation.

•Yearning (High or low sex drive)
Pretty high. If he's depressed then it's quite low and he's kinda embarrassed by that. But you're by his side and reassures him it's okay.

He typically stays awake if it's during the day. But if it's late at night he'll stay awake for some minutes before finally falling asleep.

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